
This Laravel 11 API boilerplate provides a structured foundation for building robust backend applications with Laravel, integrating essential features and tools.

Primary LanguagePHP

🕹️🕹️ Laravel API Boilerplate🕹️🕹️

📗 Table of Contents

📖 API Boilerplate

[Idara API] is a boilerplate for building API applications using Laravel 11, incorporating Domain-Driven Design (DDD), role-based authentication, and various other features.

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🚀 Links

To access the documentation goto the below link

  • Link to api routes
  • Link to documentation

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💻 Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.


In order to run this boilerplate, you need:

  1. PHP ^8.2
    use the following link to setup PHP if you dont have it already installed on your computer

(install PHP)

  1. Composer
    use the following link to Download Composer if you dont have it already installed on your computer

(install Composer)


composer create-project mrprotocoll/laravel-api-boilerplate my-api

Install dependencies:

composer install


create .env file, change using the .env.example file and update the Database, Google Oauth (optional), and Email credentials.

cp .env.example .env

Generate keys, Run the migration and seed roles:

php artisan key:generate 
php artisan migrate --seed


The following command can be used to run the application.

  php artisan serve

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