Repository made for the Project from "Interaktive Technologien / Interaktionsgestaltung"
- @AhmadAboLouha (Ahmad Abo Louha)
- @TheBenitoo (Benito Grauel)
- @mrrestre (Alejandro Restrepo Klinge)
- Clone this Repository
- Go to DriverGame/DriverGame/Game_Ende/
- Open the file DriverGame.exe
- Clone this Repository
- Open Unity Hub (Game Developed on Unity 2019.4.15f1)
- Click on the button "ADD"
- Select the folder where you cloned this Repository
- Have fun looking around
NOTE: If Unity Hub is not installed on your computer, there is the option to import the project from Unity itself, although we do not recommend doing it that way.
- Go to DriverGame/DriverGame/Dokumentation/
- Open the file End_Dokumentation.pdf
Download the Video here:
- DriverGame/DriverGame/Dokumentation/End_Presentation.pdf
Please note that this was just a learning project and is not intended for commercial use.