
My environmental gig

Primary LanguageVim Script

(my)Environment: Mark Reyes

I like stuff. I like my stuff a certain way. Some may say that 300+ aliases and functions is too many... to those I say you haven't turely embraced life until you've given my lazy aliases a shot. If you don't like them, fine then... go away. If you have questions, or want to contribute, great. This is s sharable role for setting up my environment.

(my)Environment (my)Env Tests
(my)Ansible Role Galaxy (dot)Files



Some may say that 300+ aliases and functions is too many... to those I say you haven't turely embraced life until you've given my lazy aliases a shot. If you don't like them, fine then... go away. This file will be copied to the remote server under ~/.aliases and added to ~/.bashrc for loading when logging in.

Public SSH Key

My Public key so that I can log in without typing passwords... 'cause lazy. This file will be appended to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.

VIM Config file

~/.vimrc will be loaded when vim is called. These are my shortcuts I use. I also use Vundle to install some vim packages... because i ride on the shoulders of giants and don't need to build everything from scratch. Molokia is a vim color scheme that is my preference and is also copied over to ~/.vim/colors/

ZSH Config file

ZSH is the best shell, convince me otherwise. I use Oh My ZSH to 'borrow' other people's cool shortcuts and plugins. This is to make sure my awesome configuration is carried over.



  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install dependant Ansible Roles from Galaxy
$ ansible-galaxy install -r build/requirements.yml -p roles


Freshen Up My Files

Get a fresh copy of local files into files...
Executes on local box to get a fresh copy of (dot)files into files directory. The (dot)files targeted are:

  • ~/.aliases
  • ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
  • ~/.vimrc
  • ~/.zshrc
$ ./plays/freshen_up

Send My Enviornment

A playbook to set up my enviornment on a remote host. The playbook will prompt the user for remote server's IP, User, and Password. A dynamic hosts file will be set from the collected varriables.

$ ./plays/send_env

Set Hostname

Set the host name on the remote server



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