A graphics modeling and rendering framework using raytracing, platform for experiment.
Last Updated: 04/09/2013
- Loading models from wavefront meshes, storing in DCEL.
- Supporting all transformations of images and camera.
- Object-oriented scene buiding using materials, light sources and cameras.
- Supporting Phong lighting material plus reflection, refraction and refractive index.
- Phong shading with normal vector interpolation on faces.
- Fast and robust raytracing with kd-tree and supersampling.
- Transparency objects with shallow shadows and refraction.
- Extending light sources to attenuable, area-light with soft shadow (radiosity).
- Accelaration using GPU or parallel programing.
- Configuration File System (CFS) and World Description System (WDS), planning to use XML.
- Special effects with cameras: focal length, depth of field, etc.
- Refraction with Snell's law, dispersion, caustics (photon map).
- Pull the code from repo, compile with VC 9 or higher version compiler. Tested under Windows.
- Read main.cpp to see the demo of constructing models and scene.
- CImg library is included for generating renderred image.
###Change Log: 04/09/2013 Cleaned old codes, adding refraction for transparent objects, fixing several bugs.