
A flashcard web application designed to help you increase your knowledge exponentially, incredibly fast, just like a flash fire🔥🤯. Visit flash-fire.io to view and interact with the live application. (Android app version is currently in the making)



  • Mitchell Wintrow Linkedin: LinkedIn GitHub

Table of Contents

  • Getting Started
  • Login & Main Menu Overview
  • Viewing User Stats
  • Creating A New Collection
  • Study Mode
  • Test Mode (Easy)
  • Test Mode (Difficult)
  • Edit Mode
  • Tech Stack

Getting Started

Login & Main Menu

The login and main menu are the first things you'll see with this app. If you don't already have an account, you can create one, but if you do already have an account then you can simply login. There are several parts to the main menu once you're logged in. This is where your create collections will be, as well as options to view your stats, to create new collections, and of course to logout if you so choose. Please click below for a visual demonstration and a deeper description.

Viewing User Stats

In this FlashFire app, there are several different stats that are kept track of for you. Clicking the button to view stats for the current collection on the main menu will pop up a modal that displays your study, test mode (easy) and test mode (difficult) scores over time for the specific collection you currently have selected. You can also view each stats chart individually from within a session. Please click below for a visual demonstration and a deeper description.

Creating A New Collection

When creating a new collection you're able to choose a name and category for the collection, and you can add cards. There is no limit to the amount of collections you can create. Cards consist of an optional image you can upload, a question, and an answer. Please click below for a visual demonstration and a deeper description.

Study Mode

The study mode will likely be used more than any other mode, because this mode is the essence of the app. It opens up a study session in which you can view your studying stats, set a timer to challenge yourself, reveal the answer if you need to, and give yourself points for the cards you get correct. When you're done, click finish to save the results or click main menu to go back. Everyone likes incentives though, read the detailed description to find out what the incentive is! Please click below for a visual demonstration and a deeper description.

Test Mode (Easy)

The easy test mode is a good way to ease yourself into testing. If you've been studying and think you're getting better, you can choose the easy test mode which will give you 4 multiple choice answers and it won't let you reveal the answer until after you've checked it. At that point regardless of whether or not the answer is correct, the correct answer will be highlight in bright green and all the incorrect answers highlighted in bright red. Please click below for a visual demonstration and a deeper description.

Test Mode (Difficult)

The difficult test mode is where the real challenge is! If you think you're truly ready to see how well you've been studying, you can choose the difficult test mode which will give you 6 multiple choice answers and it will not highlight correct or incorrect answers. When you select an answer and check it, only our selected answer will be highlighted. If it's correct, it'll be highlighted green and go towards your grade, otherwise it'll be highlighted red and you will not receive points for that question. Please click below for a visual demonstration and a deeper description.

Edit Mode

Notice a typo in your current collection? Is one of your cards not correct? This is where edit mode comes in handy. You can directly edit the cards you already have in your collection, you can remove unwanted cards, and you can even add new cards. Please click below for a visual demonstration and a deeper description.

Tech Stack

Front End and Styling

React Webpack Styled Components MUI

Backend and Database

NodeJS Express.js MongoDB

Language, Package Manager, Version Control

JavaScript NPM Git GitHub


