
The React Native repository containing Alina's app.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

I love you Alina ❤️


Table of contents

  1. About the "I love you Alina ❤️" app
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Contact
  5. Acknowledgments

About the "I love you Alina ❤️" app

    This app is simply a project I decided to create for my amazing and beautiful girlfriend, Alina Kaliberda. It serves 2 main purposes:

  1. The first purpose is it serving as an app for her to be able to use with her anywhere she goes. It contains books I've written for her, audio I've recorded for her, videos I've created for her, albums of our photos we've taken together, and even a way to leave me messages.
  2. The second purpose being that this project has served me as a way to learn and practice mobile development using the technologies mentioned below, while simultaneously adding to my public portfolio.

Built with

  • MongoDB
  • Canva
  • Expo
  • NPM
  • NodeJS
  • React Native
  • AWS
  • Visual Studio Code
  • TypeScript
  • Android
  • iOS
  • macOS
  • YouTube
  • Git
  • GitHub

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Getting started

In order to successfully use this app locally on your machine, you first need to make sure you have the following prerequisites fulfilled. Once you have these prerequisites fulfilled, the installation process should take your through all the steps necessary to run the app locally.


If you don't already have these installed, please install them in this order.

  1. install brew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
  • Note: you can use brew -v to confirm brew was installed successfully
  1. install node version 18 (version 20 should also work)
brew install node@18
  • Note: you can use node -v to confirm node version 18 was installed successfully
  • Note: you can use npm -v to confirm npm was also installed successfully
  1. install git
brew install git
  • Note: you can use git -v to confirm git was installed successfully


Follow these steps to successfully install this app locally on your machine

  1. Create a directory to clone the repository into
cd ~ && mkdir <your-directory-name> && cd <your-directory-name>
  • Note: first we are navigating to the home directory, then creating a new directory where <your-directory-name> should be replaced with the name of your choosing or i-love-you-alina-app, and finally we are navigating inside of the newly created directory
  1. Clone this repository onto your machine
git clone https://github.com/mrrobotisreal/alinas-app-mobile.git && cd alinas-app-mobile
  • Note: first we clone the code repository, then we navigate inside the folder that was cloned
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Now you can Run the project
npx expo start
  • Note: this will start the Metro server in the Development build, if you are planning to use a simulator device on your computer or if you are planning on using the recommended Expo Go app, you will need to press the "s" key to switch to Expo Go mode and then scan the QR code with your physical device, or press the "i" key for your running iOS simulator or press the "a" key for your running Android simulator.

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Navigating and using the app (Note: the GIF demos below may take a moment to load, but there are demos below)

  • Choosing and selecting a book


  • Viewing photo albums and photos with the Photos viewer


  • Reading the book with the Reader


  • Listening to the audiobook version of the book with the Listener


  • Writing and reading notes, and viewing stats with the Notes viewer


  • Changing Font settings, Language settings, and Theme settings


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Mitchell Wintrow - LinkedIn - 90mitchwintrow@gmail.com

Project Link: https://github.com/your_username/alinas-app-mobile

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Alina Kaliberda ❤️

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