
Simple mocking library to use in your Clojure tests.

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0

memocks Build Status Clojars Project

It's simple mocking library. You can create mock function that records all arguments and check if it was invoked.


Import memocks:

(require '[com.siili.memocks :as memocks])

Simple mock

Create new mock function:

(def m (memocks/mock))

Recorded arguments

You can pass it as any other function and check all recorded arguments

(m :debug "Start process...")
(m :info "Results:")
(m :debug "Stop process...")

(memocks/all-args m)
=> [(:debug "Start process...") (:info "Results:") (:debug "Stop process...")]

You can check if function was invoked and if it was invoked with given arguments:

(memocks/not-invoked? m)
=> false

(memocks/invoked? m)
=> true

(memocks/invoked-with? m :info "Results:")
=> true

(memocks/invoked-with? m :info "Results:" 3.14159)
=> false

(memocks/invoked-with?) uses regular = operator.

Mock returning value

You can create mock that returns value:

(def two (memocks/mock 2))

=> 2

Mock with a result computing function

You can also create mock with a custom function that calculates result. The function takes as an argument a list with all provided args.

(def stub (memocks/mock (fn [x] (last x))))

(stub 1)
=> (1)

(stub 2)
=> (2)

(stub 3)
=> (3)

In this example, mock will return a list with args from the last call.

Mocking symbols

Memocks provides a convienient macro that allows you to mock functions easily. Lets mock function http/get.

(with-mocks [http/get {:body "OK" :status 200}
             http/post {:body "NOK" :status 500}]

Memocks uses with-redefs macro provided by Clojure.


Copyright © 2016 Konrad Mrożek

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.