
An Example Rails Projects that can be Bundled with dpkg

Primary LanguageShell

rails_new: A Buildable, Bakable and Deployable Rails Project

This is an accompanying repository for my blog posts:

  1. Turning Your Application into an Installable Package.


You can build and install this rails application on your Debian-based distro by doing this:

git clone git@github.com:mrryanjohnston/rails_new.git
cd rails_new
bin/rails credentials:edit
debuild --no-tgz-check
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i rails-new_0.0.0_all.deb

Deploying to AWS

WARNING: These scripts will spin up AWS infrastructure that cost money.

ANOTHER WARNING: These scripts are a little flaky. You should read through them first to figure out what they're doing :)

In order to deploy this application to AWS, you must first create an AMI from which you will build environment-specific AMIs:


This will create an AMI on AWS called rails-new-template. Before you attempt to use this AMI, it needs to get out of pending state. You can check the status of all the artifacts created with the create_template.sh script by doing the following:


Once the status of the AMI is available, you can clean up the artifacts that are no longer necessary for building environment-specific AMIs:


You should do this because otherwise you'll be charged money for the running instance the create_template.sh script starts up. Running the status_template.sh script should show you that everything was terminated except for the AMI.

Now we can create an environment-specific AMI and initialize the infrastructure. The default environment is production which will deploy a running rails application to rails-new.ryjo.codes:


If you want to create an environment called feature-123 that would be available at rails-new-feature-123.ryjo.codes instead, you could do the following:

./lib/scripts/create_environment.sh "feature-123"

This script is a little flaky, and it might fail when trying to ssh into the running instance. If this does, no worries: you can run the create_environment.sh script again. It'll detect which pieces of AWS infrastructure have already been built and use those.

You can check the status of these pieces of infrastructure by doing this:

./lib/scripts/status_environment.sh "feature-123"

It may take a few minutes while the route53 DNS record propogates, but, eventually, you should be able to get to http://rails-new-feature-123.ryjo.codes in your browser.

You can deploy new versions of your application by doing this:

./lib/scripts/deploy.sh "feature-123"

Again, you'll need to wait for DNS to propogate. Once it does, you can spin down the old ec2 instances that are no longer being referenced by the DNS entry:

./lib/scripts/prune_environment.sh "feature-123"

You can spin down this environment and all of its pieces of infrastructure by doing this:

./lib/scripts/delete_environment.sh "feature-123"

Similarly, you can kill the template AMI by doing this:



  • Deploying to an instance behind an ELB
  • Scaling up or down the amount of instances behind an ELB