
Scripts I use to deploy my static website to s3

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION

ryjo's Static Site Deploy Scripts

Scripts I use to deploy my personal website. You can use them, too.


This script is used to create symlinks in /usr/local/bin to publish.sh, init_rss_feed.sh, add_item_to_rss_feed.sh and ryjo.sh. It is not required to use this script, so don't worry if you don't want to! Use it like this:



This script adds items to your RSS feed. Use it like this:

add_item_to_rss_feed.sh articles/foo.html
# To show everything this command can do:
add_item_to_rss_feed.sh -h


This script is used to make sure aws-cli works correctly. It'll give some good instructions on how to get your credentials from AWS to start using the publish.sh script. Use it like this:



This script creates an RSS feed. Use it like this:

# To show everything this command can do:
init_rss_feed.sh -h


This script is used to publish files to s3. Use it like this:

./publish.sh index.html articles/foo.html

# Or, when you're in the directory of the site you want to publish:
../ryjo_static_site_deploy_scripts/publish.sh index.html articles/foo.html

# Or, if you've run install.sh:
publish.sh index.html articles/foo.html

# You can get a full explanation of the command by using -h:
publish.sh -h

# Want to just publish your entire directory?
find * -type f | xargs publish.sh


This script sources .ryjo.conf in your current directory and attempts to run the next argument you pass it as a function. The idea behind this is to provide a way to run function defined in .ryjo.conf as commonly run scripts.

Imagine your .ryjo.conf looks like this:

publish_article () {
  if add_item_to_rss_feed.sh $1
    publish.sh $1 $RYJO_RSS_FEED_FILE
    echo "There was a problem adding $1 to the rss feed. Publishing canceled."
    exit 1;

You could quickly update your rss feed by adding the article to its list of items, then publish your article and feed:

./ryjo.sh publish_article articles/foo.html

# Or, when you're in the directory of the site you want to publish:
../ryjo_static_site_deploy_scripts/ryjo.sh publish_article articles/foo.html

# Or, if you've run install.sh:
ryjo.sh publish_article articles/foo.html


This script is used to remove the symlinks in /usr/local/bin created by running the install.sh script. Be warned: all it does is unlink. It does not check to make sure that the install.sh script was the script that originally linked it. Use it like this:
