
Primary LanguageLua


This repository contains utility scripts that you can adjust to your own needs and add to your config.

Every contribution is expected to be a single file and have a header at the top that contains the following information:

  • A description of what the script does
  • Extra information like system dependencies
  • The name and email of the maintainer
  • The license name and a link to the full license text
  • The neovim versions the script was last tested on

Here is an example:

--- Function for running prettierd on the current buffer.
--- This requires `prettierd` to be installed on your system:
---   <https://github.com/fsouza/prettierd.git>
--- Maintainer: AlphaKeks <alphakeks@dawn.sh>
--- License: GPL-v3.0 <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0>
--- Version: v0.10.0-dev-ba6761e