
Anathema is an exhaustive suite for all aspects of Exalted series management.

Primary LanguageJava

Gradle will set itself up during the first build on any system. It requires an active internet connection to do so.

Set Up

Developing with IntelliJ IDEA

  1. Run gradlew idea to create the IDEA project files.
  2. Import the project into IDEA.
  3. (If necessary,) open the 'Project Structure' Dialog (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S) and set the Project SDK to a SDK > 6.0.

Developing with Eclipse

  1. Run gradlew eclipseProject eclipseClasspath eclipseJdt to create the Eclipse project files.
  2. Import all projects into Eclipse.


Launching Anathema###

Launch net.sf.anathema.AnathemaBootLoader.

Adding a dependency

  1. Add the dependency entry to the module's build.gradle.
  2. Run gradlew eclipseClasspath or gradlew ideaModule respectively.

Adding a new module

IntelliJ IDEA users best run this outside of the IDE, else it might not pick up all changes.

  1. Run gradlew createModule -PmoduleName=MODULENAME
  2. In settings.gradle, add your module name.
  3. Run gradlew eclipseProject eclipseClasspath eclipseJdt or gradlew idea.
  4. (Only with eclipse,) import the project.


Building a plain zip

This works on any operating system. However, the Windows executable will only be included on Windows systems.

Run gradlew buildZip. Done.

Building a Windows installer

This only works on Windows.

  1. Install NSIS.
  2. Install the [NSIS Access Control Plugin] (http://nsis.sourceforge.net/AccessControl_plug-in "We need it to grant permissions on the repository-folder.") by extracting the ZIP into your NSIS folder so that the folders match.
  3. In either your home directory or your clone of anathema, append a property nsis_path to gradle.properties. Make it point to the NSIS folder, e.g. nsis_path=C:/dev/NSIS.
  4. Run gradlew buildWindowsInstaller.

Building a Macintosh Disk Image

This only works on Mac OS X.

  1. Run gradlew buildZip to compile the distribution.
  2. Run gradlew -b macApplication.gradle buildMacApplication to build the Application Folder.
  3. Run gradlew -b macDmg.gradle buildDmgOnMacOS to build the Disk Image.