Mongotail EXCEPTION - Unknown registry
mangel1196 opened this issue · 8 comments
when i execute mongotail - f show this:
Mongotail EXCEPTION - Unknown registry
Dump: {"ns": "usersSantander.usersSantander", "command": {"filter": {"username": "uid1"}, "$db": "usersSantander", "lsid": {"id": UUID("f9b97a39-221c-45dc-9532-e3165186c53b")}, "find": "usersSantander"}, "ts": ISODate("2018-01-22T20:43:06.721Z"), "nreturned": 1, "op": "query"}
Mongotail EXCEPTION - Unknown registry
Dump: {"ns": "usersSantander.usersSantander", "command": {"filter": {"username": "uid2"}, "$db": "usersSantander", "lsid": {"id": UUID("f9b97a39-221c-45dc-9532-e3165186c53b")}, "find": "usersSantander"}, "ts": ISODate("2018-01-22T20:56:20.817Z"), "nreturned": 1, "op": "query"}
Mongotail EXCEPTION - Unknown registry
Dump: {"ns": "usersSantander.usersSantander", "command": {"filter": {"username": "uid3"}, "$db": "usersSantander", "lsid": {"id": UUID("f9b97a39-221c-45dc-9532-e3165186c53b")}, "find": "usersSantander"}, "ts": ISODate("2018-01-22T21:01:32.228Z"), "nreturned": 1, "op": "query"}
Mongotail EXCEPTION - Unknown registry
Dump: {"ns": "usersSantander.usersSantander", "command": {"filter": {"username": "uid4"}, "$db": "usersSantander", "lsid": {"id": UUID("f9b97a39-221c-45dc-9532-e3165186c53b")}, "find": "usersSantander"}, "ts": ISODate("2018-01-22T21:02:57.218Z"), "nreturned": 0, "op": "query"}
in centos 7
@mangel1196 Are you using MongoDB 3.6? I saw errors like these with the new database version, looks like the MongoDB team changed again the way the logs are persisted in the profiling system. I have to add a new if mongo_version > "3.6": ...get the info in another way...
@mrsarm I get this error when i duplicate a collection using robomongo.
MongoDB version 3.4.9
@ankit1329 ok, i'll check, but that looks like another issue. What version of Robomongo you have?
@mrsarm robomongo version 3.2.0-34-g9fa2d97
Tried this in latest version of robo3T --version v3.4.3-8-g05b19c6. Same Unknown Registry exception.
@ankit1329 I tested to see what happens duplicating a collection but with latest Robo 3T version (formerly Robomongo) and logs are displayed without errors with latest mongotail, try use the latest Robo 3T, you souldn't use old versions of Robomongo because they have a poor support of new features present in MongoDB 3.0+
@mangel1196 I'll try to fix the issue with Mongo 3.6 today
@ankit1329 wait! I could reproduce the error also with latest Robo 3T version, fixing ...
Fixed both issues in master branch, going to be released in v2.2.0