silverpop ========= Python implementation of the Silverpop API Currently implemented API methods:: def add_recipient(api_url, list_id, email, columns=[], optionals=ADD_RECIPIENT_OPTIONALS): """Add recipient to a list (only email key supported) api_url, list_id, email are required, optionally takes a list of dicts to define additional columns like [{'column_name':'State', 'column_value':'Germany'},] optionally takes a list of dicts to define optionals, defaults to [{'optional_name':'UPDATE_IF_FOUND', 'optional_value':'true'}, {'optional_name':'SEND_AUTOREPLY', 'optional_value':'true'}, ] returns True or False """ def update_recipient(api_url, list_id, old_email, columns=[], optionals=UPDATE_RECIPIENT_OPTIONALS): """Update recipient of a list, if the old_email is not a recipient of the list, a recipient will be added. api_url, list_id, old_email are required, optionally takes a list of dicts to define additional columns like: [{'column_name':'State', 'column_value':'Germany'},] Can change the email of a recipient by specifiying a column like: {'column_name':'EMAIL', 'column_value':''} Can re-opt-in an opted-out recipient by specifying a column like: {'column_name':'OPT_OUT', 'column_value':'False'} optionally takes a list of dicts to define optionals, defaults to [{'optional_name':'SEND_AUTOREPLY', 'optional_value':'true'},] returns True or False """ def opt_in_recipient(api_url, list_id, email, columns=[], optionals=OPT_IN_RECIPIENT_OPTIONALS): """opt in a recipient to a list (only email key supported) api_url, list_id, email are required, optionally takes a list of dicts to define additional columns like [{'column_name':'State', 'column_value':'Germany'},] returns True or False optionally takes a list of dicts to define optionals, defaults to [{'optional_name':'SEND_AUTOREPLY', 'optional_value':'true'},] returns True or False """ def is_opted_in(api_url, list_id, email): """Is the specified email opted in to the list? api_url, list_id, email are required returns True or False """ def opt_out_recipient(api_url, list_id, email): """opt out a recipient from a list api_url, list_id, email are required returns True or False """ def select_recipient_data(api_url, list_id, email, column=None): """get the recipients data api_url, list_id, email are required you may specify a column dict for non email key lists, like {'column_name': 'USER_ID', 'column_value': '4711'} returns the silverpop response (xml) """ def xml_request(api_url, xml): """submit a custom xml request api_url, xml, are required returns the silverpop response (xml) """ - Silverpop: