
Lobot is a cloud helper for easily managing/using existing instances on Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Lobot is a cloud helper for EC2 by Amazon Web Services (AWS), written for Python 3 and meant to be used on a Linux platform.

Click for demo-video: Demo

It provides an interactive CLI to conveniently manage your Linux-based EC2 instances and perform actions such as

  • Start instance
  • Stop instance
  • Change instance type (e.g., t3.micro -> p3.xlarge)
  • Open SSH
  • Start and connect to a Jupyter notebook server (needs to be installed on remote machine!)
  • Change instance's 'Name'-tag
  • Display other instance details (e.g., Id of used image, availability zone)

lobot does not provide:

  • launching new instances
  • terminating instances
  • EBS interaction


You need the AWS CLI tools and some other dependencies. They can be conveniently installed via pip:

pip install --user awscli
pip install --user boto3
pip install --user prettytable
pip install --user 'prompt_toolkit>=3.0.7'

Another requirement is PyInquirer. Unfortunately, there are currently some issues with the pip-version. We recommend to install from github:

git clone https://github.com/CITGuru/PyInquirer.git
cd PyInquirer
pip install --user -e .

Afterwards, you'll need to get your AWS access key and secret key. You can create one in:

AWS Management Console -> IAM -> Users -> %YOURNAME% -> Security credentials

You might want to make your old key inactive. Also, make sure that your IAM-user has appropriate access rights to EC2.

Once you have it, execute the following instruction in a terminal and follow the instructions:

aws configure


Just execute lobot.py to get an overview over your options:



python3 lobot.py

If you want to SSH / transfer data, the corresponding keys need to be in your ./keys folder with permissions 400 (!).

The Fetch/Deploy options will transfer data from or to the EC2 instance.

Deploy: transfers everything from the local ./deploy folder to the remote ~/lobot/deploy folder.

Fetch: transfers everything from the remote ~/lobot/fetch folder to the local ./fetch folder.

(. = folder of lobot.py and ~ = home-folder of remote user, e.g., /home/ec2-user/ on Amazon Linux)