
Static site & wiki generator for mrshll.com, written in Lua with minimal dependencies

Primary LanguageLua


For information about mmx, see it in action at https://mrshll.com/mmx.html

Previous version with different feature set, written in Go now lives here for archival purposes.


  • Lua
  • GNU date for generating RSS item dates
  • find
  • Optional: inotifywatch via inotify-tools for live site recompiling.


There are three main scripts:

  1. ./build.sh path/to/content path/to/site which compiles the site
  2. ./run.sh path/to/content path/to/site which recompiles the site when the src or data changes
  3. ./processImages.sh path/to/content path/to/site which processes the images with resizing, compression and (optional) dithering