
Diacritics Restoration toolkit

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the code and setup necessary to reproduce results published in a thesis titled 'Diacritics Restoration for Slovak Texts Using Deep Neural Networks'


First, download the relevant data from http://davinci.fmph.uniba.sk/~suppa1/master_thesis_attachment.zip


In order to use the scripts contained in this repository create a new virtual envrionrment by running

    $ virtualenv venv

then turn this virtualenv on by running

    $ source venv/bin/activate.sh

provided you use the Bash shell.


Since the code makes use of the sacred logging framework, we strongly encourage you to create a directory called sacred_logs by running

    $ mkdir sacred_logs

The training scripts can then be ran by executing commands such as for instance:

    $ python train.py -F sacred_logs with 'filename=../../skwiki_with_diac_train.txt' 'n_layers=1' 'n=51' 'embed_size=100' 'hidden_size=200' 'minibatch_len=500' 'save_each_epochs=1000000' 'print_each_epochs=5000' 'model_type=gru'  'bidirectional=False'


Once a model is trained, it can be tested by running a script in the following way:

    $ python test.py test_file model_file minibatch_len

Note that the scripts mentioned in this README are located in the scripts/ directory.