
Polar ENgagement through GUided INquiry (PENGUIN)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Polar ENgagement through GUIded INquiry

These educational modules bring polar education to students in a variety of courses through Computational Guided Inquiry (CGI) modules. In computational guided inquiry, the instructor guides the students in learning through the use of a computational tool; here an Excel Workbook or a Jupyter Notebook. Each folder within this directory contains a complete module. The modules are freely available to use under the following conditions:

  1. If you would like to use this module, please contact Penny Rowe (penny@nwra.com). We would like to keep track of how many instructors are using the module. We can also provide help if needed.

  2. Use implies agreement to share any modications made (e.g. through forking). We welcome comments and suggestions.

  3. If the module is used in research, please acknowledge its use.

The economics-related modules use only Excel Workbooks. Other modules use Jupyter Notebooks.

Running Jupyter Notebooks:
To run the Jupyter Notebooks we suggest downloading Anaconda (https://www.anaconda.com/). We hope to add a tutorial for this soon. You will need the ancillary files in the "materials" folder within each folder here to run the code.

Viewing the Jupyter Notebooks without running them (no software needed):
You can see a view-only version by going into a folder and clicking on files with the extension .pynb. Sometimes this fails for unknown reasons. (You see a spinning wheel with a cat and after a long time it asks if you want to reload). In this case, there is another option. Open a new browser tab and navigate to https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/. There's a search window with the word "Go!" to the right. You need to click back on your tab with the Jupyter Notebook and copy the URL and paste it into that search window. Then click "Go!" and the notebook should show up.

Copyright 2017 by Steven Neshyba, Penny M. Rowe, Lea Fortmann, and NorthWest Research Associates. All rights reserved. Created with funding from NSF, including NSF 1712282, Computational Guided Inquiry for Incorporating Polar Research into Undergraduate Curricula.