Test for Lead Data Scientist

This ‘Lead Data Scientist’ position at the Health Economics Unit requires a thorough understanding of data science, analytics, machine learning and programming. The successful candidate should have a passion for using analytics to better understand healthcare data and to improve decision making.

As part of the interview process we would like you to analyse a dataset which has information on heart failure. The data contains various other relevant healthcare variables, for example, relating to patient demographics and diseases.

We want you to process the data using any technique(s) of your choosing, for example:

  • Regression
  • Classification
  • Clustering
  • Forecasting
  • Causal inference
  • Statistical analysis
  • Other machine learning/deep learning techniques

You can use any programming language in the analysis. We then want you to write up the work in no more than two pages.

Please send your code and report by the date mentioned is your test invite to david.sgorbati@nhs.net

This is your opportunity to showcase your skills and to demonstrate that you would be suitable for this role in our team.

We very much look forward to receiving and reviewing your submission, and we wish you the best of luck in this assignment.

Best wishes HEU