
Delighted iOS SDK

Primary LanguageSwiftOtherNOASSERTION

Delighted iOS SDK

The Delighted iOS SDK makes it quick and easy to gather customer feedback directly in your iOS app.


The Delighted iOS SDK requires Xcode 10.2 or later and is compatible with apps targeting iOS 12.1 or above. Please note that the SDK is designed for iPhone’s portrait mode. Support for other iOS devices, notably iPad, is not available at this time.

Swift versions

  • Swift 4
  • Swift 4.2
  • Swift 5


The SDK has a dependency on Starscream for WebSocket support.


We recommend installing the Delighted iOS SDK using a package manager such as CocoaPods, Carthage, or Swift Package Manager.


To use Delighted in your project add the following Podfile to your project.

source "https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git"
platform :ios, "12.1"

pod "Delighted", "~> 1.4.0"

Then run:

pod install


Check out the Carthage docs on how to add an install. The Delighted framework is already setup with shared schemes.

To integrate Delighted into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "delighted/delighted-ios" >= 1.4.0

Swift Package Manager

Add a package dependency to your XCode project using the URL of this repository (https://github.com/delighted/delighted-ios).

Getting started

Initialize the SDK when your application is activated by a user. Once the SDK has been initialized you can call survey(...) anywhere you want to present a survey.

Before showing a survey we’ll confirm that the Mobile SDK platform is enabled for your template and check that the person hasn’t been recently surveyed, among other things. We also automatically manage your survey’s sampling to ensure you receive a steady flow of feedback, as opposed to going through your entire plan volume in one day. Consequently, a call to survey(...) will not always result in showing a survey.


Add the initialization code in the applicationDidBecomeActive(_:) method of your AppDelegate.

import UIKit
import Delighted

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
  func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    return true
  func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {

Call Delighted.survey(...) anywhere you want to show a survey. For example, to trigger a survey when the view loads, you might do something like this:

import UIKit
import Delighted

class SomeViewController: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {

        Delighted.survey(delightedID: "mobile-sdk-xxxxxxxxx")


The initialization in Objective-C is similar.

#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import <Delighted/Delighted-Swift.h>

@interface AppDelegate ()

@implementation AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
   return YES;

- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application
    [Delighted initializeSDK];


In a view where you want to show the survey, update your view controller definition in the header file so that it references DelightedDelegate.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <Delighted/Delighted-Swift.h>

@interface ViewController : UIViewController<DelightedDelegate>


Then update the implementation to call survey and add an implementation of onStatusWithError to handle the callback:

#import "ViewController.h"

@interface ViewController ()


@implementation ViewController

- (IBAction)Survey:(id)sender {
    Delighted.delegate = self;
    [Delighted surveyWithDelightedID:@"mobile-sdk-xxxxxxxx"
                eligibilityOverrides: [[EligibilityOverrides alloc] initWithTestMode:YES createdAt:nil]

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.

- (void)onStatusWithError:(NSError * _Nullable)error surveyResponseStatus:(enum DelightedSurveyResponseStatus)surveyResponseStatus {
    NSLog(@"Survey complete");


Delighted ID

When your code calls the survey function it needs to pass in a delightedID. You can find your Delighted ID at https://delighted.com/integrations/mobile_sdk. The Delighted ID is considered public and can be treated like any other configuration setting in your app.

If you have multiple templates, each template will have its own unique ID. This allows you to include multiple surveys in your app.


The only required parameter is the Delighted ID.

Delighted.survey(delightedID: "mobile-sdk-xxxxxxxxx")

A survey can also be linked to an individual by passing in a Person.

let person = Person(
    name: "Lauren Ipsum", 
    email: "laurenipsum@example.com", 
    phoneNumber: "+14155551212"
Delighted.survey(delightedID: "mobile-sdk-xxxxxxxxx", person: person)

Like other Delighted platforms, you can associate properties with a survey to provide context and segment responses.

var properties: Properties = [
    "customerId": "123",
    "location": "USA"
Delighted.survey(delightedID: "mobile-sdk-xxxxxxxxx", properties: properties)

Delighted special properties can be used to further customize the survey experience. For example, to change the survey to appear in German you might use something like this:

var properties: Properties = [
    "locale": "de"
Delighted.survey(delightedID: "mobile-sdk-xxxxxxxxx", properties: properties)

In some cases, you may need to override some of the settings that are used to decide whether to show a survey. The most common one will be to use testMode during development to bypass all checks and force the survey to appear.

let eligibilityOverrides = EligibilityOverrides(
    testMode: true
Delighted.survey(delightedID: "mobile-sdk-xxxxxxxxx", eligibilityOverrides: eligibilityOverrides)

The initialDelay can be passed to specify the number of seconds to wait before showing a person their first survey. This is useful in cases where you want a user to have been using your app at least some amount of time before they would be eligible to be surveyed.

let eligibilityOverrides = EligibilityOverrides(
    initialDelay: 86400
Delighted.survey(delightedID: "mobile-sdk-xxxxxxxxx", eligibilityOverrides: eligibilityOverrides)

When Delighted.initialize() is called for the very first time a timestamp is stored on the device. The initialDelay is based on that value. If you would like to use a different reference point for the initial delay, you can set createdAt.

The recurringPeriod applies when you want to control how frequently to survey a person.

let eligibilityOverrides = EligibilityOverrides(
    createdAt: yourUserModel.createdAt,
    initialDelay: 86400,
    recurringPeriod: 1036800
Delighted.survey(delightedID: "mobile-sdk-xxxxxxxxx", eligibilityOverrides: eligibilityOverrides)

Handling status and errors

A callback can be passed in those cases where you need to monitor the status of a survey or trigger an event.

Delighted.survey(delightedID: "mobile-sdk-xxxxxxxxx", callback: { (status) in
    switch status {
    case let .failedClientEligibility(status):
        // Maybe log this?
        // Do any view/screen changes that you need
    case let .error(status):
        // Maybe log this?
    case let .surveyClosed(status):
        // Re-register for keyboard notifications if unregistered
        // Do any view/screen changes that you need


The Delighted SDK offers a number of settings to control the survey’s appearance.

  • The background, border, and text color of every component can be changed.
  • You can choose whether to prompt the user with a centered modal or a card popping up from the bottom of the screen.
  • Buttons shapes can be circles, squares, or squares with rounded corners.
  • Buttons can also be filled or outlined.
  • You can control whether the Thank You page should remain open until a person explicitly closes it or to automatically close it after some period (the default is to close it after two seconds).
  • The iOS keyboard can be set to light mode, dark mode, or it can use the system default.
  • The status bar (where the clock and carrier info are displayed) can be hidden or shown.
  • The font can be overridden.
  • If needed, you can even override text labels.

The most common settings can be updated by browsing to the Mobile SDK’s Customize appearance page. Please reach out to Delighted’s Customer Concierge team if you would like to change any of the other settings.

Alternatively, you can control the appearance of the survey in your own code. The values you provide take precedence over your Delighted template’s configuration. If you opt to describe the settings through code you will need to provide values for all theme settings. We encourage you to reach out to Delighted’s Customer Concierge team to help you evaluate the trade-offs and make the best choice for your app.

let options = Options(
    nextText: "Next 👉",
    prevText: "👈 Previous",
    selectOneText: "Select one",
    selectManyText: "Select many",
    submitText: "Submit 👌",
    doneText: "Done ✅",
    notLikelyText: "Not likely",
    veryLikelyText: "Very likely",
    theme: Theme(
        display: .card,
        containerCornerRadius: 20.0,
        primaryColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor,
        buttonStyle: .outline,
        buttonShape: .roundRect,
        backgroundColor: LocalThemeColors.grayDarkest,
        primaryTextColor: LocalThemeColors.white,
        secondaryTextColor: LocalThemeColors.white,
        textarea: Theme.TextArea(
            backgroundColor: LocalThemeColors.grayDark,
            textColor: LocalThemeColors.white,
            borderColor: LocalThemeColors.grayDark),
        primaryButton: Theme.PrimaryButton(
            backgroundColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor,
            textColor: LocalThemeColors.grayDarkest,
            borderColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor),
        secondaryButton: Theme.SecondaryButton(
            backgroundColor: LocalThemeColors.grayDarkest,
            textColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor,
            borderColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor),
        button: Theme.Button(
            activeBackgroundColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor,
            activeTextColor: LocalThemeColors.grayDarkest,
            activeBorderColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor,
            inactiveBackgroundColor: LocalThemeColors.grayDarkest,
            inactiveTextColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor,
            inactiveBorderColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor),
        stars: Theme.Stars(
            activeBackgroundColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor,
            inactiveBackgroundColor: LocalThemeColors.gray),
        icon: Theme.Icon(
            activeBackgroundColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor,
            inactiveBackgroundColor: LocalThemeColors.gray),
        scale: Theme.Scale(
            activeBackgroundColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor,
            activeTextColor: LocalThemeColors.grayDarkest,
            activeBorderColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor,
            inactiveBackgroundColor: LocalThemeColors.grayDarkest,
            inactiveTextColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor,
            inactiveBorderColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor),
        slider: Theme.Slider(
            knobBackgroundColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor,
            knobTextColor: LocalThemeColors.white,
            knobBorderColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor,
            trackActiveColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor,
            trackInactiveColor: LocalThemeColors.white,
            hoverBackgroundColor: LocalThemeColors.grayDarkest,
            hoverTextColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor,
            hoverBorderColor: LocalThemeColors.primaryColor),
        closeButton: Theme.CloseButton(
            normalBackgroundColor: LocalThemeColors.gray,
            normalTextColor: LocalThemeColors.grayDark,
            normalBorderColor: LocalThemeColors.gray,
            highlightedBackgroundColor: LocalThemeColors.gray,
            highlightedTextColor: LocalThemeColors.grayDarker,
            highlightedBorderColor: LocalThemeColors.gray),
        ios: Theme.IOS(keyboardAppearance: .dark,
            statusBarMode: .lightContent,
            statusBarHidden: false)
    fontFamilyName: "MarkerFelt-Wide",
    thankYouAutoCloseDelay: 10

Delighted.survey(delightedID: "mobile-sdk-xxxxxxxxx", options: options)


You can change the log level to print details to the console.

Delighted.logLevel = .debug

The callback can also be used to get more information and explore behavior.

Delighted.survey(delightedID: "mobile-sdk-xxxxxxxxx", callback: { (status) in
  switch status {
  case let .failedClientEligibility(status):
    print("Eligibility check failed")     
  case let .error(status):
    print("An error occurred")     
  case let .surveyClosed(status):
    print("Survey closed")     


Like Delighted’s web platform, the SDK bases usage on the number of people shown your survey. When your account exceeds its plan limits the survey won’t appear in your iOS app until the next billing period or you switch to a plan with a higher limit.


Please contact the Delighted Concierge team with any questions or to report an issue.

Example App

The Example App included in the SDK shows examples of each type of survey as well as some common use cases. This is a fully working app using Delighted’s Demo for the source of questions.

Setup instructions

  1. Clone/fork this repository
  2. Install Fastlane and CocoaPods with bundle install
  3. Run cd Example and then pod install
  4. Open Example/delighted.xcworkspace in Xcode

After building, fire up the iOS Simulator.


The tests are located in the Example app. They can be run by either:

  1. Running fastlane ios test
  2. Opening Example/delighted.xcworkspace and running the tests