If u won't to lose your passwords or any secret data, that App is for you. You should use it only for your needs. Example - https://pwd.assorium.ru/
You need to install PhalconPHP extension http://phalconphp.com/en/, PHP APC extension.
Copy this git project. Insert database structure from db folder. Edit config_default.ini file and rename it to config.ini
You should check all the fields in config file.
DB. All the Database settings
- host: host path
- dbname: database name
- username: user name
- password: password
- charset
- persistent
Captcha parameters. Get your keys on http://www.google.com/recaptcha
- pub: public key
- priv: private key
Application settings
- base_uri: Your app uri
- static_salt: string to be static salt
- suffix: suffix for cache
- hash_rounds: times to hash each secret. Change only one time!
- session_lifetime:: 0 for short session or >0 for static lifetime
- debug: show Exceptions by 1
- cache_apc: 1 - cache to APC (needed extension), else FILES, give permissions to write for /tmp/cache/ directory