
Rocket.Chat App for creating tickets in GLPI

Primary LanguageTypeScript

image glpi

Rocket.Chat GLPI CreateTicket App

GLPI Rocket.Chat Custom Slash Command for creating Tickets

Build Status


Make sure the App has been installed, and then simply enter the following in any channel:

/glpi-novo <subject> | <body>  (Optional: Subject and Body)


To Deploy a new Rocket.Chat App, you must first enable developer mode in order to upload custom Apps. This one is not in the Marketplace yet, unfortunately. This can be found under Administration -> General -> Apps.

Once that has been enabled, you can upload the App via the rocket.chat cli.

npm install -g @rocket.chat/apps-cli

Then, clone this repo and install the dependencies

git clone https://github.com/mrsric/rocketchat-glpi.git
cd rocketchat-glpi
npm install

Finally, you can use the following commands to install / update the app:

rc-apps deploy --url https://chat.company.com --username user_username --password user_password
rc-apps deploy --url https://chat.company.com --username user_username --password user_password --update

Then make sure to go back into Administration -> Apps and set the required settings for this application.

They include:

  • GLPI: URL do servideo GLPI, por exemplo - servidorglpi
  • GLPI: Token Usuário - Token para atenticação da API no GLPI
  • GLPI: Token Aplicação - Token de aplicação no GLPI
  • GLPI: Fuso Horário - Fuso Horário para trancrição do Chat. Ex America/Sao_Paulo. (Senão informado será utilizado o UTC)


Baseado no APP OTRS (Nico Domino) - https://github.com/ndom91/rocketchat-otrs

📝 Notes

https://rodriq.github.io/GSoC-2019-Interactive-APIs-Docs/developer-guides/developing-apps/getting-started/ https://github.com/graywolf336/RocketChatApps/tree/master/github