
An angular extension to house notifications

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An angular extension to manager front-end notifications and alerts.


dependency Status devDependency Status


LIVE DEMO: http://mrsteele.github.io/ng-alerts/

I made this plugin in an attempt to manage any and all user-faces notifications and alerts. I wanted it clean, extensible, and scalable.


Only a few prerequisites to use this plugin (a prereq's prereqs listed as well).

  • AngularJS
  • Angular-UI Bootstrap
    • Bootstrap



npn install ng-alerts --save


bower install ng-alerts --save

ng-alerts is made to be flexible for the benefit of the developer. Mix and match whatever systems you want to achieve whatever you would like!.

If you want to see a quick example, just open /test/index.html and that will let you know what to expect, otherwise read the information below.

First, you must include the module name in your dependencies list.

var testApp = angular.module('testApp', [

ng-alerts will now be installed for you to use throughout your application. You can configure a few defaults of the application with the provider.

testApp.config(['ngAlertsProvider', function (ngAlertsProvider) {
    // Global empty list text.
    ngAlertsProvider.options.emptyListText = 'Nothing here...';
    // The queue timeout for new alerts.
    ngAlertsProvider.options.queueTimeout = 3000;
    // The queue location (top||bottom, left||right).
    ngAlertsProvider.options.queueLocation = 'bottom left';

It is recommended you interface through ngAlertsMngr to add your alerts. Use the add function to add an alert. The first argument is the message, and the seciond one (optional) is the type (defaults to "warning" but any of the bootstrap types are valid).

testApp.controller('TestCtrl', function ($scope, ngAlertsMngr) {
    $scope.createAlert = function () {
        ngAlertsMngr.add('testing', 'warning');

Using the add function will add a notification and update all directives throughout your application.



Use this to display the current count of notifications.

  • badge - Set this attribute to "true" if you want it to take on the appearance of a bade.
  • hide-empty - Set this to "true" if you want to completely remove the text if you have "zero" alerts.


<ng-alerts-count badge="true" hide-empty="true"></ng-alerts-count>


Displays a list of alerts, with the ability to remove them.

  • empty-text - Overrides the default empty list text.


<ng-alerts-list empty-text="No alerts available"></ng-alerts-list>


Attaches to an element (button, a, etc...) and creates a click handler for displaying ng-alerts-list in a popover. This one uses the backbone popover directive, so all popover attributes are applicable. See https://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/#/popover.


<button ng-alerts-popover popover-placement="left"></button>

Can I contribute?

YES! Pull requests welcome!