Usage: meat OPERATION [OPTIONS] [TARGET [...]] A simple, fast AUR helper written in bash using cower as a back end Operations: -h, --help Display this help and exit -d, --download Download and install target(s) -- dependencies will be automatically resolved. -G, --git-db-update Updates the git database with new sums, without actually installing anything (unstable). -i, --info Show info for target(s) -- pass twice for more detail -m, --msearch Show packages maintained by target(s) -s, --search Search AUR for target(s) -u, --update Check for updates against AUR and install them -U, --listupdates Check for updates against AUR and print them -- acts the same way as cower -u Only one operation may be specified. General options: -f, --force No matter what happens, keep going -- using this option is not recommended -g, --git-check Check and update checksums for git files. (unstable) --ignoregit PKG Ignore PKG when checking for git updates. PKG is a comma-separated list of packages. May be used more than once --ignore PKG Ignore PKG when upgrading. PKG is a comma-separated list of packages. May be used more than once --ignorerepo REPO Ignore a binary repo. REPO is a comma-separated list of repositories. May be used more than once --nossl Do not use https connections --sign Sign the resulting packages with gpg. Overrides the setting in makepkg.conf(5) --nosign Do not create a signature for built packages. Also overrides makepkg.conf(5) -t, --target DIR Download to DIR, instead of "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" --threads NUM Limit number of threads created to NUM --timeout NUM Specify connection timeout in seconds --check-all When installing, prompts you to check every regular file in the package directory instead of just the PKGBUILD and .install files Output options: -c, --color[=WHEN] --colour[=WHEN] Use colored output. WHEN is `never, always, or auto' --debug Show debug output --format STRING Print package output according to STRING -q, --quiet Output less. If both -q and -v are used, each -q is equivalent to removing a -v -v, --verbose Output more. May be specified multiple times for even more information Targets: Meat accepts a list of targets, space separated. If any target is the single character '-', it will also read a list of packages from stdin, one per line. Config: Meat honors a config file which will be looked for first at: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/meat/config And falls back to: $HOME/.config/meat/config A default documented example can be found at /usr/share/meat/config. If a config file does not exist in the above locations when meat runs, the default will be copied to the correct location. Note: It is always recommended to do a full system update (pacman -Syu) before installing any new packages, or updating those from the AUR. See Also: cower(1), pacman(8) Author: Copyright Daniel Mills <> Wraps 'cower', Copyright Dave Reisner <> Licensing information can be found in the source code Bugs: Please report any bugs on Github <>