
This GitHub repository contains a web application called TodoApp, which is a feature-rich and user-friendly task management application. It is built using a combination of HTML, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, SQL, CSS, and other technologies.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This GitHub repository contains a web application called TodoApp, which is a feature-rich and user-friendly task management application. It is built using a combination of HTML, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, SQL, CSS, and other technologies.

The TodoApp provides a comprehensive solution for organizing and tracking tasks. With its intuitive user interface and robust functionality, users can create, manage, and prioritize their tasks efficiently. The application allows users to add new tasks, set due dates, assign categories or labels, mark tasks as complete, and delete or archive tasks as needed.

Key Features:

Task Creation: Users can easily create new tasks with detailed descriptions and due dates. Task Management: Tasks can be organized into different categories or labels, helping users to keep track of different types of tasks or projects. Task Prioritization: Users can set task priorities and sort them based on importance or urgency. Task Status Tracking: Each task has a status indicator, allowing users to mark tasks as complete or incomplete. Reminders and Notifications: The application can send reminders or notifications to users for upcoming or overdue tasks. Search and Filtering: Users can search for specific tasks or apply filters to view tasks based on criteria such as category, due date, or status. User Authentication: The application includes user authentication and authorization to ensure secure access to tasks. Database Integration: The application leverages both MongoDB and SQL databases to store and retrieve task data efficiently. Responsive Design: The user interface is built using HTML and CSS, ensuring a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes and devices. The TodoApp repository provides the complete source code, including HTML templates, CSS stylesheets, JavaScript files, Node.js server code, and database configuration. It serves as a starting point for developers looking to build their own task management applications or enhance the existing TodoApp with additional features.

Whether you are a developer interested in learning web development technologies or a user in need of an effective task management solution, the TodoApp repository offers a reliable and customizable platform to meet your requirements.