
A simple script to do 2 way-sync between Notion and Google Calendar using Cloudflare Workers.


  • Google Calendar
  • Notion
  • Cloudflare Workers
    • KV
    • Trigger


  1. Create a new Google Calendar.
  2. Create a new Notion database with the following properties:
    • Name: title
    • Date: start / end date with time
    • Event Id: rich text
    • Tag: select
    • Milestone: checkbox
  3. Create a new integration in Notion and get the token. See: Notion doc
  4. Create a new service account in Google Cloud Console and download the JSON key.
  5. In Google Calendar, go to Settings and sharing -> Share with specific people and add the service account email with Make changes to events permission.
  6. Create a new Cloudflare Worker, and set the following secrets:
    • notion_token: Notion integration token
    • notion_database_id: Notion database ID
    • google_calendar_id: Google Calendar ID
    • google_private_key: Google service account private key
    • google_client_email: Google service account email
  7. Deploy the worker.


The title of the event in Google Calendar enclosed in [] will be treated as tag in Notion. For example, [Me] will be treated as Me. If the event has tag Me, the event will be created as private.


If the event in Notion has Milestone checked, the event will be created as all day event in Google Calendar.


  • The events with attendees are not supported.
  • Date and time are formatted in UTC.

Local Development

Environment variables for local development can be set in a .dev.vars file. See: Cloudflare doc

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Run the worker locally
npm run start

# Deploy the worker
npm run deploy

# Test cron job locally
open "http://localhost:8787/__scheduled?cron=*/1+*+*+*+*"
