
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python Talk Gate Bot

Telegram bot used for @python_talk group to quiz new members on basic Python knowledge before letting them chat.


The bot requires Python of version 3.6 or higher.

  1. Create a virtual environment and activate it:
    $ virtualenv -p python3 venv
    $ source ./venv/bin/activate
  2. Install all the requirements:
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Configure the bot accordingly (see "Configuration" section).
  4. Apply migrations:
    $ alembic upgrade head
  5. Run the bot:
    $ ./run.py


Bot's configuration is located in the config directory:

  • base.py - default configuration.
  • test.py - test configuration, used when running tests.

Please, do not edit these files, unless you're developing the bot.

To configure the bot on deployment, create a new file local.py in this directory with the following contents:

from .base import BaseConfig

class LocalConfig(BaseConfig):
    BOT_TOKEN = ''

Fill in BOT_TOKEN variable. You can overwrite any other variable available in base.BaseConfig if needed.

local.py is already included in .gitignore.

Development commands

  • Run tests:
    $ pytest
  • Auto-generate a new migration:
    $ alembic revision --autogenerate -m "You migration message"
    Make sure you have the latest version of DB schema before generating new migrations.
  • Run IPython shell with DB session and bot models in scope:
    $ ./shell.py