
Tolki's OS customisations

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

TolkOS - Ansible playbooks for my machines


Install dependencies

ansible-pull -U https://github.com/mrtolkien/tolkos.git local.yml

Login to Bitwarden

bw login

Setup dotfiles

sh -c "$(curl -fsLS get.chezmoi.io)" -- init --apply mrtolkien


flowchart TD
    A(Install Ansible)
    AA("Install dependencies\n<small>(This repo)</small>")
    B[( BitWarden CLI )]
    BB[[ 2FA with Authy ]]
    C("Setup dotfiles with chezmoi\n<small>(<a href=https://github.com/mrtolkien/dotfiles>mrtolkien/dotfiles</a>)</small>")
    D( Decrypt secrets with age )

    A --> AA --> C --> D
    AA --> B
    BB --> B --> D

    subgraph Bitwarden


This repo uses Ansible to install:

  • zsh
  • starship
  • nvim
  • exa
  • bat
  • zoxide
  • atuin
  • ripgrep
  • age

They are then configured with my dotfiles repository which uses an interactive setup.


  • git
  • ansible
python3 -m pip install --user ansible

Linux setup

Testing with Docker

Build and start the image:

docker build . -t ansible_test --platform linux/amd64 && docker run --rm -it --platform linux/amd64 ansible_test

Load dotfiles interactively with chezmoi:

sh -c "$(curl -fsLS get.chezmoi.io)" -- init --apply mrtolkien && source ~/.zshrc


  • [] Try using brew for more things even though it doesn't work on Linux AMD64
  • [] Test playbook on Ubuntu 20
    • [] exa and helix install need to be made into distro-specific things
  • [] Test playbook on Fedora
    • [] helix needs a few additional things
  • [] Reliably test playbook on Mac OS
  • [] Add fd to install