This site pulls data from the JHU CSSE Github repo and is updated every day. The page is live at
The idea is that I pull a latest COVID-19 confirmed cases data, plot that data, and make models of infections rates. GitHub actions autmatically runs the file
I took the observed number of confirmed COVID-19 cases created a model that uses logistic function to predict future cases. This is a sigmoid shape and so allows for exponential growth that slowly flattens out. The data predictions come from a Hamiltonian Monte Carlo analysis with priors that prevent the number of infections from being larger than the total population of the country. Also, it probably shouldn't be taken seriously by anyone.
The HMC model is generated using PyMC3.
I got the idea for this site from a reddit post and the Github repo of Jeroen Kools.
The data all comes from the JHU CSSE Github repo and is updated every day.
I also stole a bunch of the code from Ethan Kruse's Github repo, which is a fork of one from Elisa Quintana, where he worked out how to make Bokeh and Github Pages play nicely together.
The site is built with Github Pages, Bokeh, PyMC3, and love.