Connection-Based Asynchronous Messaging (CBAM) framework provides asynchronous task-based API and implementation for workflow which communicates with e.g. SQL or LDAP processes.
CBAM projects aim to be as portable as possible. Projects aimed to be used as a normal dependency are targeting .NET Standard 1.0, .NET 4.0 and .NET 4.5. Projects aimed to be used as part of build process are targeting .NET Standard 1.3.
This project provides interfaces and abstractions which are common for all connection-based async messaging, such as interacting with SQL database or LDAP server.
NuGet link: .
This project has skeleton implementations for interfaces in CBAM.Abstractions.
NuGet link: .
This project has provides interfaces which are suitable for retrieving data in tabular format (async-gettable rows with async-gettable column values).
NuGet link: .
This project has skeleton implementations for interfaces in CBAM.Tabular, and also uses CBAM.Abstractions.Implementation skeleton implementations in order to tie CBAM.Tabular with CBAM.Abstractions.
NuGet link: .
This project specializes and augments the interfaces of CBAM.Abstractions in such way that interacting with SQL databases would be easy and natural. The CBAM.Tabular project is used to provide access to data rows returned by SQL database.
NuGet link: .
This project provides skeleton implementations for interfaces in CBAM.SQL and uses the skeleton implementations provided in CBAM.Tabular.Implementation.
NuGet link: .
This project specializes and augments the interfaces of CBAM.SQL with PostgreSQL-specific features, such as notifications and type system.
NuGet link: .
This project provides PostgreSQL-specific implementation for CBAM.SQL and CBAM.SQL.PostgreSQL projects, exposing API to create connection pools which result in PostgreSQL-specific connections. PgSQLConnectionPool is a good class to start exploring this project.
NuGet link: .
Since implementation requires to communicate with backend over Sockets, this project targets .NET Standard 1.3, and also .NET Core App 1.1. The .NET Core App dependency is in order to provide SSL stream functionality right in this project, however it is still possible to customize SSL stream creation via callbacks.
This project should only be used by the code actually performing initialization of SQL connections - all the PostgreSQL-specific API is availabe in CBAM.SQL.PostgreSQL project, which targets .NET Standard 1.0.
This project provides extension methods to enable support for json
and jsonb
PostgreSQL types.
These extension methods are available for connection pools and connections.
The json
and jsonb
types will be directly deserialized to Newtonsoft.JSON JToken
NuGet link: .
This project provides abstract class AbstractCBAMConnectionUsingTask which all of the MSBuild tasks that intend to use CBAM connections should derive from. It allows specification of NuGet package containing actual implementation of ConnectionPoolProvider interface in CBAM.Abstractions, which is then used to create connection pool, which is then used to create connection and pass it on to abstract method.
This projects provides abstract class AbstractSQLConnectionUsingTask which constraints the connection type to SQLConnection, and also out-of-the-box ready-to-be-used task ExecuteSQLStatementsTask. The ExecuteSQLStatementsTask takes a path to file containing SQL statements, and then executes them. The ExecuteSQLStatementsTask task should be run using .
The test suite project for CBAM.SQL.PostgreSQL.* projects.
In order to run the tests, add test_config.json
and test_config_ssl.json
configuration files to the project directory.
These files will be used to create PgSQLConnectionCreationInfoData
object required to connect to database.
Adding documentation is top priority now. Once PostgreSQL stuff works good and solid, add CBAM.LDAP.* projects in order to provide async API for LDAP connections.