
Simple web client for examining medicare and medicaid services

Primary LanguageHTML


  1. [Introduction] (README.md#1-introduction)
  2. [Data Preparation] (README.md#2-data-preparation)
  3. [Flask Web Application] (README.md#3-flask-web-application)
  4. [Future Directions] (README.md#4-future-directions)

![CMS Explorer] (flask/static/img/cms_explorer.png)

1. Introduction

[CMS_Explorer] (http://mrubash1.com/cms_explorer) is an analysis platform for research into financial relationships between physicians and the pharmaceutical industry. It is a data platform that is built on [MySQL] (https://www.mysql.com/), [Flask] (http://flask.pocoo.org/) and [Python] (https://www.python.org/); run on 1 [AWS T2micro] (http://aws.amazon.com/) with Linux Ubuntu.

2. Data Preperation

  • Send Medicare/Medicaid raw CMS file (CSV format) to EC2 MySQL/web-host: OP_DTL_RSRCH_PGYR2014_P06302015.csv
  • Via scp copying: scp -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -i ~/.ssh/my-personal-key.pem /Desktop/OP_DTL_RSRCH_PGYR2014_P06302015.csv ubuntu@ec2-52-89-150-150.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:/cms_explorer
  • Change the permissions so it can be opened by mysql: chmod o+rx OP_DTL_RSRCH_PGYR2014_P06302015.csv
  • Make database: create databse grand_rounds;use grand_rounds
  • Clone into github repo: git clone https://github.com/mrubash1/cms_explorer
  • The following table is created by cms_explorer.py in the prepare_mysql_database folder
  • CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test ( ID BIGINT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, Physician_Profile_ID BIGINT, Physician_Full_Name VARCHAR(100), Recipient_State VARCHAR(2), Submitting_Applicable_Manufacturer_or_Applicable_GPO_Name VARCHAR(100), Total_Amount_of_Payment_USDollars DECIMAL, PRIMARY KEY (ID) );

![SCHEMA] (flask/static/img/sql_schema.png)

  • ETL functions to load the data from the csv into table 6, keeping relevant columns only: *Declare how the csv is formatted via: |fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '"' lines terminated by '\n' '| *Ignore the first line as we already constructed the header above *For all columns that we are not keeping, use @ignore: *|ignore 1 lines( @ignore, @ignore, @ignore, @ignore, Physician_Profile_ID, @var2, @var3, @var4, @var1, @ignore| ...

    • Construct an individual doctor's name by adding the first, middle and last name
      • SET Physician_Full_Name = CONCAT(@var1, ' ', @var2 ,' ',@var3, ' ',@var4, ' ');
  • Query data by grouping doctors, and/or state and company by user request (default= 'All')

  • Importantly, doctors are identified by Physician_Profile_ID to avoid duplicate names

  • Additionally, some required data munging includes eliminating any entries that do not have the doctors name |HAVING Physician_Full_Name <> ' '|

  • Example query and results below: |SELECT Physician_Full_Name AS Physician, SUM(Total_Amount_of_Payment_USDollars) AS Received_the_following_money, count(Total_Amount_of_Payment_USDollars) AS In_this_many_payments, Submitting_Applicable_Manufacturer_or_Applicable_GPO_Name AS From_this_company, Recipient_State AS In_the_state_of FROM test6 WHERE Physician_Full_Name <> ' ' AND Submitting_Applicable_Manufacturer_or_Applicable_GPO_Name = 'Genentech, Inc.' AND Recipient_State = 'CA' GROUP BY Physician_Profile_ID, Recipient_State, Submitting_Applicable_Manufacturer_or_Applicable_GPO_Name ORDER BY SUM(Total_Amount_of_Payment_USDollars) DESC LIMIT 20;|

![Example Query] (flask/static/img/example_query.png)

3. Flask Web Application

  • The Flask application is written in python allowing querying of the MySQL database via custom connectors
  • Flask also enables dynamic loading of data and results into html tables
  • Scripts and templates can be found in the Flask folder
  • Example data results below

![Example Data Results] (flask/static/img/data_results.png)

4. Future Directions

  • Linking this dataset with other measures of physician quality including insurance claims data and patient medicare claims data
  • Enable physician search functionality so individuals can examine the industry ties of their current or future potential physician
  • In the future, this platform could be implemented with the NoSQL database [Cassandra] (http://cassandra.apache.org/)
    • Cassandra would enable rapid scaling to a distributed system format, with increased ability for concurrent writes (new data, user interactions), as well as concurrent reads (user based queries)
    • Cassandra clusters are more reliable then traditional MySQL sharding strategies
    • Additionally, with an informed partitioning strategy for physician and company based queries, key-value looks up could be increased in speed compared to MySQL (via column store disk storage)
    • This strategy would be as follows
      • Partition Key: Physician_Custom_ID
      • Clustering Column: Company
      • Unclustered column: State (with the drawback that joins across state based queries would be siginificantly slower)
    • However there are drawbacks to Cassandra including
  • Alternative distributed system databases that could also be implemented include ElasticSearch for text searching via a reverse index strategy, or [Amazon Redshift] (https://aws.amazon.com/redshift/) for increased consistency in a distributed system.