
Playwright Salesforce example

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repo demonstrates playwright used to test Salesforce Chatter functionality

We test two functionality over here --

a. Validate uploaded files name

b. Validate redirect url of the message containing url.

Mocha is used a test runner and playwright as automation framework

Getting started

  1. Clone the repo

  2. Go to root of folder. Install all npm packages using command npm install

  3. Set following environment variables

  • SFUSERNAME -- Salesforce Username
  • SFPASSWORD -- Salesforce Username's password
  • SFURL -- Salesforce org Login page url
  • UPLOADFILENAME -- Local file Path that needs to be uploaded
  1. Now run test using command npm test

Known Issues

  • AutoIt is sometimes too eager to type and as a result; it keys in text even before dialog is ready for the keyboard input.This causes partial path field being entered in the input box
  • There is bug with Clear Chat. It Assumes atleast one chat message is present in the chatter. If cannot find the chat message the code gets stuck.
  • Tests can fail due to clear chat bug. Known solution at the moment is to create atleast one chat message.


  • Dockerise solution
  • Clear Chat to be expanded to clear all existing chat messages.