- This project fetches tweeter data for given word/tag/user
- Here the objective is primarily to demonstrate use of Table View for more complex use cases
- Open "twitMe" application
- Custom TableViewCell
- AutoLayout
- Asynchronous Programming for fetching data from internet
- NSDateFormatter
- TextField Delegate
- Pull To Refresh
- UITextView in a TableViewCell
- Disabling ScrollViewEnabled helps UITextView to calculate its intrinsic contentsize.
- UITextLabels are not helpful for enabling link clicks. One needs to Use UITextView along with AttributedString
- One needs to set Image Height for making UIImageView to not expand infinitely
- Set a dummy Image to UIImageView in storyboard to make sure new image would be updated at runtime.
- Complete.
- Connect the app to download realtime twitter stream
- Icon downloaded from (http://www.myiconfinder.com/uploads/iconsets/624dc72b6deef6abddf29031c1ac7224.png)
- Gif created with (http://www.ezgif.com)