
A list of tools, blog posts, and other resources that further the use and adoption of OSCAL standards.

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Awesome OSCAL


A collection of awesome community resources, maybe not quite production ready, for increasing the adoption of the Open Security Controls Assessment Language, OSCAL.

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  • Brian Ruf's OSCAL-GUI: An example PHP web interface developed by @brian-ruf of former FedRAMP fame. It has core presentation logic, file import, format conversion, and working profile resolution.

  • GSA's OSCAL Tools: A collection of open-source tools provided by GSA teams to interoperate between OSCAL data (with required FedRAMP Extensions) and Word (DOCX) formats for SSPs, SARs, and SAPs.

  • GoComply's FedRAMP Utility: a tool that uses oscalkit (see below) to stamp in OSCAL data to the FedRAMP Word (DOCX) system security plan templates.

  • GoComply's oscalkit: a Golang-based software development kit and command-line utility for operating on OSCAL data models.

  • GovReady's GovReady-Q: An open source, web-based self-service GRC tool to automate security assessments and compliance from @gregelin and the GovReady crew. It focuses on import and export of OSCAL data models.

  • IBM Compliance Trestle: An opinionated command-line tooling platform for managing compliance as code, using continuous integration and NIST's OSCAL standard.

  • John Jediny's OSCAL Static Site Playground: a static web application, using Gatsby and the US Web Design System, with hosting on the Federalist platform, to host a modern responsive application with OSCAL data models in JSON format dropped in place.

  • mocolicious OSCAL-Examples: A collection of different front-end web applications leveraging OSCAL, mainly to show off different development workflows and environments. Current development status or community use is unclear.

  • SHR Group's pyOSCAL: Python library to convert OSCAL content into python objects, developed by the clever @mruge. pyOSCAL-Builder automatically generates pyOSCAL dynamically from the lastes NIST OSCAL Metaschema.

  • Wendell Piez's OSCAL Profile Import Examiner: XMLJellySandwich is a web-based, in-browser XSLT transform system leveraging SaxonJS. @wendellpiez has focused one demo on validating an OSCAL profile in XML form by validating upstream catalog references.

Blog Posts

Other Resources