
Rick Richardson's Linux tools for geocaching wrapped into Docker container

Author: @mrummuka

Description: Docker image for minimal execution environment for geo-* Linux geocaching tools by Rick Rickhardson.

Origin of Linux geocaching tools: http://geo.rkkda.com/


Prepare image

Downloads and installs necessary dependencies, builds geo-* tools and installs them into Docker container

Clone repo

$ git clone https://github.com/mrummuka/geo-tools-docker.git

Set config

  • Edit .georc config file before building image

Build image

$ docker build -t mrummuka/geo-tools-docker:v1 .


Run geo-* tools one directly

$ docker run --rm mrummuka/geo-tools-docker:v1 geo-nearest

or run geo-* tools interactively

$ docker run --rm -it mrummuka/geo-tools-docker:v1 "/bin/bash" # geo-nearest