
A Livebook Kino and Smart Cell rendering a terminal to connect to a Kubernetes Pod.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

⚠️ ARCHIVED ⚠️ KinoK8sTerm


This repository is archived. The smart cell is now integrated in the "Connect to Pod" smart cell of kino_k8s. Check it out!

A Livebook Kino to run a Terminal for Kubernetes Pods.


Run in Livebook


This Kino uses the Elixir library k8s to open a connection to a pod and Xterm.js to render a terminal in your livebook. Refer to these projects for inside information.



This Kino is currently not published on hex.pm. To use it, install it from git:

  {:kino_k8s_term, git: "https://github.com/mruoss/kino_k8s_term.git", branch: "main"}


You can either use the Smart Cell or call KinoK8sTerm.open/4 manually.


  • conn - a %K8s.Conn{} struct that can be optained by calling K8s.Conn.from_file/2
  • namespace - The namespace your pod runs in
  • pod - The name of your pod


  • container - If your pod runs multiple containers, define the container you want to connect to.
  • command - optional. The shell that is executed once connected. Defaults to /bin/sh.
{:ok, conn} = K8s.Conn.from_file("~/.kube/config", context: "some_local_cluster")
# For local clusters, you might want to skip TLS verification
conn = struct!(conn, insecure_skip_tls_verify: true)

namespace = "default"
pod = "nginx-deployment-6595874d85-5kdf4"
container = "nginx"
command = "/bin/bash"

KinoK8sTerm.open(conn, namespace, pod, container: container, command: command)

Smart Cell

This Kino comes with a smart cell, too. Open this README in Livebook to see it in action.

IO.puts("Connection could not be established.
Please configure the connection to the pod and reevaluate the cell.")


Note that the user defined in the conn object needs permissions to the pods/exec resource in your cluster. If this is not given, the terminal can't be opened.

Use this Kino for local clusters only. Or protect your livebook well from unwanted access.