Itis Schedule Tg-bot - next gen.

How to run by yourself

Cross-platform part

  • Clone this repo
  • Obtain client_secret.json as described here and add it to ScheduleBot/ScheduleBot.AspHost directory (It's neccessary for access to Google Sheets)
  • Running config is defined by appsetting.{ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT}.json files, based on appsetting.json at ScheduleBot/ScheduleBot.AspHost directory. Settings include:
    • UseWebHook - set up true for handle requests with webhook (required specified WebhookUrl param, we use Ngrok for this feature), false for Long-pooling (request to tg-server every sec)
    • ScheduleBot - specify your bot api token and username
    • GoogleApi - specify your application name for client_secret.json and spreadsheet id
    • NotificationsSecret - passphrase to send notification to all bot's subscribers (to do it you need create Supergroup with someone with bot as admin, delegate him access to delete messages and write to this chat message in next format: /sendsudo key=PASSWORDHERE your text here to all )
  • Install dotnet for your platform

Linux part

  • Look at this article, it makes things clear

  • After adding client_secret.json and required appsettings.{environment}.json publish app from repo

    cd /root/repos/itis-bot/ScheduleBot/ScheduleBot.AspHost/
    dotnet publish -c Release -o /srv/dotnet/bot/

    where -o /PATH defines path to working directory where result ScheduleBot.AspHost.dll will appear.

  • You can test build with run (default ASPNETCORE_ENVIRIONMENT=Production)

    cd /srv/dotnet/bot/
    dotnet ScheduleBot.AspHost.dll
    • If You don't have GUI app will fail to run, because Google API needs to authentificate app via browser (see logs directory). But there is little trick to walk it around, if You have only CLI. Run app on another host with GUI, authentificate yourself via browser and copy-paste directory on this GUI-host into /home/APP_USER/.credentials/ ( ~/.credentials/ by default) on your Linux-CLI-host. Example, on Windows, after launch, You can find it here C:\Users\YOURUSER\Documents\.credentials\\
  • Check logs, if all right, add service.

    sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/itis-bot.service

    Config example:

    • run as root, so /root/.credentials/ required
    • changed ASPNETCORE_ENVIRIONMENT=Release to use appsettings.Release.json config
    Description=ASP.NET Core based telegram bot for schedule delivering
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/dotnet /srv/dotnet/bot/ScheduleBot.AspHost.dll
    RestartSec=40  # Restart service after 40 seconds if dotnet service crashes


    systemctl enable itis-bot.service
    systemctl start itis-bot.service
    systemctl status itis-bot.service
  • Using webhook with Ngrok

    • Download and unpackage ngrok (signup required, see website)
    wget ""
    unzip ./
    ./ngrok authtoken YOUR_NGROK_TOKEN_HERE   
    • Run it in background
    ./ngrok http 8443 -region=eu  > /dev/null &
    • Find up https tunnel address
    curl localhost:4040/api/tunnels
    > bla-bla { "public_url":"","proto":"https", } bla-bla
    • Add address to appsettings.{ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT}.json (Release here) and enable Webhook. Don't forget add api/update uri part to webhook url.
    nano ~/repos/itis-bot/ScheduleBot/ScheduleBot.AspHost/appsettings.Release.json
       "UseWebHook": true,
       "ScheduleBot": {
          "WebhookUrl": ""
    • Stop service, rebuild and run again.

      /property option used only for running under core 2.1 sdk: SO answer

    cd ~/repos/itis-bot/ScheduleBot/ScheduleBot.AspHost/
    systemctl stop itis-bot.service
    dotnet publish -c Release -o /srv/dotnet/bot/ /property:PublishWithAspNetCoreTargetManifest=false
    systemctl start itis-bot.service

Windows part

Important for developers in Russian Federation: please ensure You have access to directly or througth system VPN. If you'r using system proxy, it's not guaranteed that bot will serve requests. If you have Fiddler, it could help to bypass blocks, when running (with system proxy). If you have a suggestion, how to reach on your local while development, welcome to #9

  • Set up environment

    • Power-Shell
    $Env:ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT = "Development"
    • Git-bash
    • cmd
    > set ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development
  • At repo:

    > cd .\ScheduleBot\ScheduleBot.AspHost
    > dotnet build -c Release
    > cd .\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.0
    > dotnet ScheduleBot.AspHost.dll
  • Using webhook with Ngrok

    • in progress