
A Reddit command line client written in Node.js, using modern ES-features

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Reddit command line client written in Node.js, using modern ES-features



Snoo allows you to:

  • browse hot, new & top subreddits
  • browse your subscribed subreddits
  • preview articles
  • read articles
  • read the top comments of articles
  • save and unsave articles (no categories yet, though)
  • be warned if an article is NSFW before opening it

... and there's a lot more to come!



$ git clone git@github.com:twostairs/snoo.git
$ cd snoo
$ npm install
$ cat .env.example | while read line; do echo export $line; done > ~/.config/snoo
$ vim ~/.config/snoo # & adjust settings
$ vim ~/.bashrc # or .bash_profile, .zshrc, ... -> add `source ~/.config/snoo`
$ npm link

In order to get REDDIT_APP_KEY and REDDIT_APP_SECRET you need to create your own reddit app as a script. name, description, about url and redirect url don't matter.

For REDDIT_USERNAME and REDDIT_PASSWORD you need to enter the credentials of the user you created the app with. Snoo does not use your credentials for anything else but logging in. If you want to be sure, check out the source code.

Info: Don't use ~ in the SNOO_LOG_FILE path, as it's not (yet) supported.


$ npm install -g snoo
$ cat /your/global/node_modules/snoo/.env.example | while read line; do echo export $line; done > ~/.config/snoo
$ vim ~/.config/snoo # & adjust settings
$ vim ~/.bashrc # or .bash_profile, .zshrc, ... -> add `source ~/.config/snoo`


$ snoo


  • ctrl+q: Quit Snoo
  • ctrl+r: Refresh articles
  • arrow up/arrow down: Scroll through articles list
  • space: Preview selected article
  • return: Open article, automatically in external browser or article viewer, depending on the type of the article
  • ctrl+v: Open article in viewer
  • ctrl+s: Save/unsave selected article
  • ctrl+t: Open own subreddits list for switching
  • escape: Go back to the articles list

Feedback & suggestions

Shoot me a tweet. :-)