
Javascript bookmarklet you can use in Microsoft Teams web interface to save messages

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Javascript bookmarklet you can use in Microsoft Teams web interface to save messages


  1. Navigate to the Teams chat that you want to save messages
  2. Click bookmarklet
  3. Hover next to messages you want saved and click to add to list
  4. Click the "Export" button near the send button to open a new tab with your selected messages

Installation: Chrome: Create a bookmark with a location of pasted text with "javascript: " prepended to it Firefox: Create a bookmark with a location of "javascript:(function(){<PASTE_CODE_HERE>})();" replacing <PASTE_CODE_HERE> with fulltext of chat_export.js

Customization: Users can customize the color of selected messages and the color of hovered messages. Add rgba values at the beginning of the script for selectedColor and hoverColor.