
Fog Orchestration (FORCH) and container-based service provisioning by the UniBo team in project GAUChO

Primary LanguagePython


Introducing FORCH, a modular system for Fog Orchestrations container-based resorce allocation, developed in the context of project GAUChO by the team of the University of Bologna.

FORCH is designed for managing allocation of services in a Fog infrastructure, where efficiency, flexibility and dinamicity are key aspects. FORCH is composed of a set of components, each with its own role, communicating with the other components through their REST API. FORCH also relies on an "agent" module running in each Fog node, offering a REST API as well, employed to manage resources on the specifc node.

This PoC implementation is written in Python3. Its REST API is built using Flask RESTful, and its intended use is research and development purposes only - it is not suitable for production enviroments (yet), due to limited use of security mechanisms.

Setting up the environment

FORCH modules (including orchestrator and agent modules) require the machines running them to offer some functionalities for monitoring and container management. Therefore, Zabbix (the employed monitoring system) and Docker (the virtualization engine of choice for this PoC implementation) must be installed and configured on the relevant nodes before running FORCH and its agent modules.

The general idea is to run FORCH on a machine and Fog nodes separate machines. It is important that these machienes can reach one another through the network.

Install Zabbix

The following instructions cover the installation of the Zabbix monitoring system.

NOTE: Zabbix Server must be installed on the machine running the forch component of FORCH, while Zabbix Agent must be installed on each Fog node.

Zabbix Server

The following set of operation is the one followed to reach correct functioning of the Zabbix moniroting system on our development environment. Our set refers to Zabbix version 4.4. It is slightly different than the installation instructions provided in the official Zabbix documentation, as some steps did not appear to work as they were described there. Plus, this is mostly specific to Ubuntu 18.04.

First, install required web and database packages (loosely based on these instructions):

sudo apt install -y apache2 mysql-server

Run the configuration tool of mySQL:

sudo mysql_secure_installation

Choose a password (e.g., mypassword123), and confirm all the rest with y.

Set the system firewall to allow web traffic:

sudo ufw app list
sudo ufw app info "Apache Full"
sudo ufw allow in "Apache Full"

Install php libraries

sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql

Restart the apacher web server:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Install the PHP FastCGI Process Manager module:

sudo apt install php-fpm

Add Zabbix repo to the machine's known repositories:

wget https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/4.4/ubuntu/pool/main/z/zabbix-release/zabbix-release_4.4-1+bionic_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i zabbix-release_4.4-1+bionic_all.deb

Install Zabbix server components:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-frontend-php zabbix-apache-conf

Authenticate as the user root to mySQL by the previously configured password (e.g., mypassword123) when requested:

sudo mysql -uroot -p

Inside the mySQL CLI, configure access as the zabbix user:

create database zabbix character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
grant all privileges on zabbix.* to zabbix@localhost identified by 'zabbix';
flush privileges;

Initialize the database using password zabbix (this step might take a while to complete, do not interrupt it even if it does not print any output):

zcat /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql/create.sql.gz | mysql -uzabbix -p zabbix

Configure access to the Zabbix Server by editing the configuration file

sudo vim /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf

and setting a password in the variable 'DBPassword' (e.g., zabbix).

Set the correct local timezone by editing the configuration file

sudo vim /etc/zabbix/apache.conf

and setting php_value date.timezone Europe/Rome (or any other local timezone).

Restart the web server and check its status:

sudo systemctl restart apache2
sudo systemctl status apache2

Restart the Zabbix server and enable it for automatic start at system boot:

sudo systemctl restart zabbix-server
sudo systemctl enable zabbix-server

Check the correct installation by navigating from a browser to the http://myzabbixserver/zabbix/ where myzabbixserveraddress is the IP address or hostname of the machine where the server is installed and running. If everything went well, you should find a Welcome page. Click "Next" for every step, and at the end you should see a message saying "Congratulations! You have successfully installed Zabbix frontend. Configuration file "/usr/share/zabbix/conf/zabbix.conf.php" created."

Zabbix Agent

The installation of the Zabbix agent module only is much lighter than the installation of the Zabbix server.

Add Zabbix repo to the machine's known repositories:

wget https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/4.4/debian/pool/main/z/zabbix-release/zabbix-release_4.4-1+buster_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i zabbix-release_4.4-1+buster_all.deb

Install Zabbix agent components:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y zabbix-agent

Generate a PSK key specific to this agent, and save it to a file:

sudo sh -c "openssl rand -hex 32 > /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.psk"
cat /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.psk

The PSK key will be also used later on for the GUI configuration of each agent. You can always retrieve it with:

cat /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.psk

Configure the communication of this agent with the Zabbix server by editing the configuration file:

sudo vim /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf

and filling in the required details:

TLSPSKIdentity=PSK 001

where myzabbixserveraddress is the IP address or hostname of the machine where the server is installed and running.

Restart the Zabbix agent, check its status, and enable it for automatic start at system boot:

sudo systemctl restart zabbix-agent
sudo systemctl status zabbix-agent
sudo systemctl enable zabbix-agent

Set the firewall to allow the communication between the Zabbix agent and the Zabbix server (in this case allowing the default port, which however can be changed):

sudo ufw allow 10050/tcp

Register Agents in the Server

Every node hosting an agent (i.e., a host) must be registered to the Zabbix Server. We can do it manually via the server's Web GUI, or configure host discovery and have hosts to register automatically.


Browse to http://myzabbixserver/zabbix/ and log in as administrator with username Admin and password zabbix.

Under tab Configuration > Hosts, in the top right corner click on Create host, and insert the details of the fog node you want to register, specifying a host name, a template (e.g., Template OS Linux by Zabbix agent) and the node's IP address (which must be reachable from the Zabbix server), leaving the port to 10050 if you have not changed it in the server's configuration. In sub-tab Encryption set Connections ot Host to PSK, and set Connections from host to PSK only (uncheck the other checkboxes). Fill in the field PSK identity with the TLSPSKIdentity set at key creation, and fill in the field PSK with the PSK itself generated previously. Confirm with Add and go back to Configuration > Hosts, where you should see the new host connected to the server and reporting data (if you don't, wait a couple minutes and refresh the page).

...setting up host discovery

Browse to http://myzabbixserver/zabbix/ and log in as administrator with username Admin and password zabbix.

Warning: for the moment, this configuration does not cover setting up PSK encryption on discovered nodes.

First, we are going to specify what to do ("actions") with the discovered nodes, then we are going to configure the node discovery.

Under tab Configuration > Actions, in the top right corner select Event source: Discovery then Create action. Set an arbitrary Name, and the required conditions, e.g., Discovery check equals Local network: Zabbix agent "system.hostname", Discovery status equals Up, and Service type equals Zabbix agent. Enable this set of actions. Then move to Operations section, and specify what to do with nodes matching the preconfigured actions, e.g., Add to host groups: Linux servers and Link to templates: Template OS Linux by Zabbix agent. Confirm the creation of the action-opration rule.

Move to tab Configuration > Discovery, in the top right corner click on Create discovery rule, or edit the defalt one that is already there. Give it an arbitrary Name. Use No proxy. Insert a proper IP range, e.g., (remark: use an IP range that is reachable from the Zabbix Server machine). Specify an Update interval, e.g., 30s or 1h. Specify any Checks that characterize a discovered node, e.g., Zabbix agent "system.hostname". Select an Uniqueness criteria, select what to use as Host name and Visible name. Check Enable and confirm the creation of the discovery rule.

If everything went fine, after at least one Update interval, any configured Zabbix agent should appear under tab Monitoring > Discovery, and should be added to the monitored hosts, visible in Configuration > Hosts.

Install Docker

Docker must be installed on machines acting as IaaS fog nodes. The installation instructions for Docker can be found here. The following set of operation is the one followed to reach correct functioning of Docker Engine on the development system.

...on Ubuntu

The following instructions for the installation of Docker on Ubuntu are taken from here.

Make sure no Docker component is installed in the system:

sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker.io containerd runc

Install authentication-related packages and add the Docker repository:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common
curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable"

Install Docker packets:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io

Remove the need for sudo with:

sudo groupadd docker
sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
newgrp docker

Test the correct installation of docker with:

docker run hello-world

...on Raspberry Pi

sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker.io containerd runc
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates software-properties-common -y
curl -fsSL get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh && sh get-docker.sh
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
sudo curl https://download.docker.com/linux/raspbian/gpg | sudo apt-key add -

Add the Raspbian Docker repo by editing

sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list

and adding the line:

deb https://download.docker.com/linux/raspbian/ stretch stable

Upgrade the installation and make Docker active on boot:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade
sudo systemctl enable docker.service
sudo systemctl restart docker.service
sudo systemctl status docker.service

Check the correct installation

docker info
docker run hello-world


Install Python modules

The following instructions apply for the machine(s) hosting the FORCH components, as well as for those acting as fog nodes.

It is suggested (but not strictly required) to operate inside of a venv.

Make sure the following Python3 modules are installed on every machine:


This can also be achieved by cloning the repo, then moving into the directory, and let pip3 do the work:

git clone giditre/unibo_gaucho
cd unibo_gaucho/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Installation of the slp module

In addition to the previously mentioned module, the module slp is required too. However, to the date of writing, this module is not available on the Python package repos, therefore it must be installed from source. The procedure makes use of some development packages, that on Ubuntu 18.04 can be installed with:

sudo apt -y install pkg-config bison automake flex libtool

Then clone the repo of libslp and install its content with:

git clone https://github.com/openslp-org/openslp.git
cd openslp/openslp/
sudo ./configure --prefix /usr
sudo make
sudo make install
ls -l slpd/slpd libslp/.libs/libslp.so

Move back to the home directory and clone the repo of the Python module slp with:

git clone https://github.com/tsmetana/python-libslp.git

In the cloned repo directory

cd python-libslp/

edit file configure.ac modifying the line of PKG_CHECK_MODULES to:

PKG_CHECK_MODULES(Python, python3 >= 3.0,,)

Then proceed with the installation:

autoreconf -fvi
sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install

In the src directory (where a file called slp.so should be)

cd src/

create file setup.py and add the following content to it:

from distutils.core import setup
setup (name = 'slp',
       version = '0.1',
       author = "tsmetana",
       description = """SLP Library""",
       py_modules = ["slp"],
       package_data={'': ['slp.so']},

Then finally install the module (from within the src directory) with:

pip3 install . --user

Test the correct installation of the module by opening a python3 terminal and importing the slp module with:

import slp

Running the FORCH ecosystem

FORCH consists of multiple independent components, which may be run on the same machine or on separate machines, as the communication between them happens via REST calls. However, in the development phase, for security purposes it is suggested to run all of the FORCH components on a single machine and make all of them listen only on the loopback interface (, except for the User Access component (forch_user_access.py) which is the only one using HTTPS (as opposed to the others using unencrypted HTTP).

Recommended: launching components simultaneously

This is the easiest approach, which launches all FORCH components on a single machine, monitoring their output on a single terminal. From the machine you want to run FORCH, inside of the unibo_gaucho folder, launch:


Then, on every machine acting as fog node, clone the repo, then inside of the unibo_gaucho folder launch the relevant fnode component with:

./run_fnode_iaas.sh < -i | -p | -s >

Where the option "i" or "p" or "s" will make the node act as IaaS, PaaS os SaaS respectively. Only one possible mode at a time. If you specify multiple option, only the last one will count.

Alternative: launching components separately

This is the advanced and more customizable From inside of the repo directory, run each of the components with

python3 <component_file_name> <IP_address> <TCP_port>

for example:

python3 forch_user_access.py 5001


python3 forch_broker.py 5002

The address makes the components listen on all of the machine's interfaces, while makes it listen only on the loopback interface.

The choice of the TCP port is arbitrary. However, by default the ports are mapped this way:

Component Port
forch_user_access.py 5001
forch_broker.py 5002
forch_rsdb.py 5003
forch_iaas_mgmt.py 5004
fnode_saas.py / fnode_paas.py / fnode_iaas.py 5005

Running a component with a customized port required the other components to be instructed on the choice. This can be achieved by specifying comman line arguments for every component detailing the choice of IP addresses and ports. For the list of available CLI arguments for every component and for their usage, refer to the inline help of each component, by running:

python3 <component_file_name> --help

In any case, it is necessary that every component is within reach (network-wise) of all the other ones. This also includes fnode components.

The monitoring system Zabbix must be configured on the node running forch_rsdb.py (which accesses Zabbix through the Python module pyzabbix)



User Access (forch_user_access.py)

  • Test
    • GET /test

      Response code: 200

      Sample response content:

        "message": "This endpoint is up!"
  • APPs
    • GET /apps

      Response code: 200

      Sample response content:

        "APP001": {
          "name": "httpd",
          "descr": "Apache web server"
        "APP002": {
          "name": "stress",
          "descr": "Stress host"
    • GET /app/<app_id>

      Sample request URL: /app/APP002

      Possible responses:

      Response code: 200

      Sample response content:

        "message": "APP APP002 available",
        "type": "OBR_APP_AVLB_S",
        "node_class": "S",
        "node_id": "10317",
        "service_port": 38538


      Response code: 201

      Sample response content:

        "message": "APP APP003 allocated",
        "type": "OBR_APP_ALLC_I",
        "node_class": "I",
        "node_id": "10313",
        "service_port": 32784


      Response code: 503

      Sample response content:

        "message": "APP APP001 not deployed and no available IaaS node",
        "type": "OBR_APP_NAVL_I"

      Sample request URL: /app/APP007

      Response code: 404

      Sample response content:

        "message": "APP APP007 not defined",
        "type": "OBR_APP_NDEF"
  • SDPs
    • GET /sdps

      Response code: 200

      Sample response content:

        "SDP001": {
          "name": "python",
          "descr": "Python3"
        "SDP002": {
          "name": "alpine",
          "descr": "Lightweight Ubuntu"
    • GET /sdp/<sdp_id>

      Sample request URL: /sdp/SDP001

      Possible responses:

      Response code: 200

      Sample response content:

        "message": "SDP SDP001 available",
        "type": "OBR_SDP_AVLB_P",
        "node_class": "P",
        "node_id": "10315",
        "service_port": 30674


      Response code: 201

      Sample response content:

        "message": "SDP SDP001 allocated",
        "type": "OBR_SDP_ALLC_I",
        "node_class": "I",
        "node_id": "10313",
        "service_port": 32785


      Response code: 503

      Sample response content:

        "message": "SDP SDP001 not deployed and no available IaaS node",
        "type": "OBR_SDP_NAVL_I"

      Sample request URL: /sdp/SDP007

      Response code: 404

      Sample response content:

        "message": "SDP SDP007 not defined",
        "type": "OBR_SDP_NDEF"
  • FVEs
    • GET /fves

      Response code: 200

      Sample response content:

        "FVE001": {
          "name": "docker",
          "descr": "Docker engine"
    • GET /fve/<fve_id>

      Sample request URL: /fve/FVE001

      Possible responses:

      Response code: 200

      Sample response content:

        "message": "FVE FVE001 available",
        "type": "OBR_FVE_AVLB_I",
        "node_class": "I",
        "node_id": "10313",
        "service_port": 36683


      Response code: 503

      Sample response content:

        "message": "FVE FVE001 is deployed but no available IaaS node",
        "type": "OBR_FVE_NAVL_I"

      Sample request URL: /fve/FVE002

      Response code: 503

      Sample response content:

        "message": "FVE FVE002 not deployed",
        "type": "OBR_FVE_NDEP"

      Sample request URL: /fve/FVE007

      Response code: 404

      Sample response content:

        "message": "FVE FVE007 not defined",
        "type": "OBR_FVE_NDEF"
  • Fog Gateway to allocated services
    • GET /fgw/<node_id>/<node_port>

    • POST /fgw/<node_id>/<node_port>

    • GET /fgw/<node_id>/<node_port>/<path>

    • POST /fgw/<node_id>/<node_port>/<path>

Broker (forch_broker.py)

  • Test
    • GET /test
  • FogApplication
    • GET /app/<app_id>
  • SoftDevPlatform
    • GET /sdp/<sdp_id>
  • FogVirtEngine
    • GET /fve/<fve_id>

Resource Datababe (forch_rsdb.py)

  • Test
    • GET /test
  • FogNodeList
    • GET /nodes
  • FogNode
    • GET /node/<node_id>
  • FogMeasurements
    • GET /meas
  • FogApplicationCatalog
    • GET /appcat
  • FogApplicationList
    • GET /apps
  • FogApplication
    • GET /app/<app_id>
  • SoftDevPlatformCatalog
    • GET /sdpcat
  • SoftDevPlatformList
    • GET /sdps
  • SoftDevPlatform
    • GET /sdp/<sdp_id>
  • FogVirtEngineCatalog
    • GET /fvecat
  • FogVirtEngineList
    • GET /fves
  • FogVirtEngine
    • GET /fve/<fve_id>

IaaS node management (forch_iaas_mgmt.py)

  • Test
    • GET /test
  • ImageList
    • GET /images
  • FogApplication
    • GET /app/<app_id>
  • SoftDevPlatform
    • GET /sdp/<sdp_id>
  • FogVirtEngine
    • GET /fve/<fve_id>

Fog Node management API

SaaS node management agent (fnode_saas.py)

  • Test
    • GET /test
  • FogNodeInfo
    • GET /info
  • FogApplicationList
    • GET /apps
  • FogApplication
    • GET /app/<app_id>

PaaS node management agent (fnode_paas.py)

  • Test
    • GET /test
  • FogNodeInfo
    • GET /info
  • SoftDevPlatformList
    • GET /sdps
  • SoftDevPlatform
    • GET /sdp/<sdp_id>

IaaS node management agent (fnode_iaas.py)

  • Test
    • GET /test
  • FogNodeInfo
    • GET /info
  • FogApplicationList
    • GET /apps
  • FogApplication
    • GET /app/<app_id>
  • SoftDevPlatformList
    • GET /sdps
  • SoftDevPlatform
    • GET /sdp/<sdp_id>
  • FogVirtEngineList
    • GET /fves
  • FogVirtEngine
    • GET /fve/<fve_id>

Fog Node Service API

SaaS APP stress (fnode_app_stress.py)

  • Test
    • GET /test
  • FogNodeInfo
    • GET /info
  • FogApplication
    • POST /app/<app_id>

      Sample request URL: /app/APP002

      Sample Request Data:

          "cpu": 1,
          "timeout": 10

PaaS SDP Python3 (fnode_sdp_python.py)

  • Test
    • GET /test
  • FogNodeInfo /info
  • SoftDevPlatform
    • POST /sdp/<sdp_id>

      Sample request URL: /sdp/SDP001

      Sample Request Data:

        "code": "a=123456\nprint(str(a))",
        "return_output": true

      Response code: 200

      Sample response content:

        "message": "Finished running SDP SDP001",
        "type": "SDP_PYTH_EXEC",
        "params": {
          "code": "a=123456\nprint(str(a))",
          "return_output": true
        "hostname": "gaucho-fnode-vm2",
        "output": "123456"

IaaS FVE Docker (fnode_fve_docker.py)

  • Test
    • GET /test
  • FogNodeInfo
    • GET /info
  • FogVirtEngine
    • GET /fve/<fve_id>