
Easy to use data Logger which logs data to the .log files

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP Logger

Ease to use simple file logger written on php which implement all the log levels defined in the RFC 5424 specification: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info and debug.


  • PHP >= 7.1


Install through composer:

composer install --no-dev # or without --no-dev flag if need the tests
composer update mrwadson/php-logger # or if already composer.lock file exists

To add as a VCS repository add following lines in your composer.json file:

    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": "https://github.com/mrwadson/php-logger.git"
    "require": {
        "mrwadson/php-logger": "dev-master"


Just use the logger in your code like this:


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use mrwadson\logger\Log;

// Setup log dir (default "log" dir)
// Log::options(['log_dir' => __DIR__ . '/log']);

// Log row
Log::log('Your logged message');

// Log array as debug in one row
Log::options(['log_array_in_one_row' => true]);
    'Key first' => 'The first value of the array',
    'Key second' => 'The second value of the array'

// Log error
try {
    throw new RuntimeException('This is a Runtime Exception');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    Log::error($e->getMessage()); // Or Log::log($e->getMessage(), Log::ERROR)

Will output in the log log/log-2022-11-12.log file:

[2022-11-12 22:33:44]: INFO - Your logged message
[2022-11-12 22:33:44]: DEBUG - Array([Key first] => The first value of the array[Key second] => The second value of the array)
[2022-11-12 22:33:44]: ERROR - This is a Runtime Exception

Buffer captured example:


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use mrwadson\logger\Log;

// Setup log dir
Log::options(['log_dir' => __DIR__ . '/log']);

echo 'This is a first record.' . PHP_EOL;
echo 'This is a second record.';

Will output in the log log/log-2022-11-12.log file:

[2022-11-12 22:33:44]: INFO - 
This is a first record.
This is a second record.

Timer example:


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use mrwadson\logger\Log;

// Setup log dir
Log::options(['log_dir' => __DIR__ . '/log', 'overwrite_log_file' => true]);

$time = Log::timeEnd();

Log::log('This page loaded in ' . $time . ' seconds', Log::DEBUG);

Will output in the log log/log-2022-11-12.log file:

[2022-11-12 22:33:44]: DEBUG - This page loaded in 3.00 seconds


Running the tests:

composer test