This is a instruction page for a greenfield Java project. It's named Justin which stands for JUSt a TImetable(New). Given below are instructions on how to use it.
Prerequisites: JDK 11, update Intellij to the most recent version.
- Open Intellij (if you are not in the welcome screen, click
>Close Project
to close the existing project first) - Open the project into Intellij as follows:
- Click
. - Select the project directory, and click
. - If there are any further prompts, accept the defaults.
- Click
- Configure the project to use JDK 11 (not other versions) as explained in here.
- After that, locate the
file, right-click it, and chooseRun Launcher.main()
. - Alternatively, you can run the jar file named justin.jar if you have JDK 11
- If the setup is correct, you should see something like the below:
- Instructions can be displayed by using the command key: help
- This will display all the basic commands that Justin can do
- Justin can show you all the tasks User added by the command key: list
- User can add a todo task by using the command key: todotd/[Task Name]
- eg: User wants to add a todo task
- User keys in: todo finish iP
- Justin adds the new todo task and display the newly added task
- eg: User wants to add a todo task
- User can add a deadline task by using the command key: deadlined/[Task Name]/by[YYYY-MM-DD]
- eg: User wants to add a deadline task
- User keys in: deadline need some sleep /by 2020-02-14
- Justin adds the new deadline task and display the newly added task
- eg: User wants to add a deadline task
- User can add an event task by using the command key: evente/[Task Name]/at[YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM]
- eg: User wants to add an event task
- User keys in: event fly me to the moon /at 2020-07-16 21:02
- Justin adds the new event task and display the newly added task
- eg: User wants to add an event task
- User can find tasks by using the command: find[keyword]
- eg: User wants to find a particuler task in the list
- User keys in: find where is my beer
- Justin will return a list of tasks that matches or contain the keywords of User's input
- eg: User wants to find a particuler task in the list
- User can delete a task on the list by using the command: delete[Number]
- eg: User use the command list to view all tasks on the list
- After viewing the list, user decides to delete third task
- User key in command: delete 3
- Justin will delete the task and display the contents of the deleted task
- eg: User use the command list to view all tasks on the list
- Lastly, User can exit the application by using the command: bye