
Justin is a chatbot that helps users plan and organise tasks. Justin stands for JUSt a TImetable New.

Primary LanguageJava

Justin project

This is a instruction page for a greenfield Java project. It's named Justin which stands for JUSt a TImetable(New). Given below are instructions on how to use it.

Setting up in Intellij

Prerequisites: JDK 11, update Intellij to the most recent version.

  1. Open Intellij (if you are not in the welcome screen, click File > Close Project to close the existing project first)
  2. Open the project into Intellij as follows:
    1. Click Open.
    2. Select the project directory, and click OK.
    3. If there are any further prompts, accept the defaults.
  3. Configure the project to use JDK 11 (not other versions) as explained in here.
  4. After that, locate the src/main/java/justin/Launcher.java file, right-click it, and choose Run Launcher.main().
  5. Alternatively, you can run the jar file named justin.jar if you have JDK 11
  6. If the setup is correct, you should see something like the below:

Justin Image

Commands in Justin


  1. Instructions can be displayed by using the command key: help
    • This will display all the basic commands that Justin can do
  2. Justin can show you all the tasks User added by the command key: list
  3. User can add a todo task by using the command key: todotd/[Task Name]
    • eg: User wants to add a todo task
      1. User keys in: todo finish iP
      2. Justin adds the new todo task and display the newly added task
  4. User can add a deadline task by using the command key: deadlined/[Task Name]/by[YYYY-MM-DD]
    • eg: User wants to add a deadline task
      1. User keys in: deadline need some sleep /by 2020-02-14
      2. Justin adds the new deadline task and display the newly added task
  5. User can add an event task by using the command key: evente/[Task Name]/at[YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM]
    • eg: User wants to add an event task
      1. User keys in: event fly me to the moon /at 2020-07-16 21:02
      2. Justin adds the new event task and display the newly added task
  6. User can find tasks by using the command: find[keyword]
    • eg: User wants to find a particuler task in the list
      1. User keys in: find where is my beer
      2. Justin will return a list of tasks that matches or contain the keywords of User's input
  7. User can delete a task on the list by using the command: delete[Number]
    • eg: User use the command list to view all tasks on the list
      1. After viewing the list, user decides to delete third task
      2. User key in command: delete 3
      3. Justin will delete the task and display the contents of the deleted task
  8. Lastly, User can exit the application by using the command: bye