
Tiny JavaScript date utility library

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Tiny dependency-free JavaScript date utility library

Rewrite to clean up & remove mutability coming up.



Install with npm.

npm i nice-date --save

Require in project.

var NiceDate = require('nice-date');


bower install nice-date --save



new NiceDate([date, opts])

Optionally pass a date as the first argument and any default opts you want to override as the second. If you want to only pass options, you can pass null as the date argument.

var date = new NiceDate(null, {
  indicators: {
    milliseconds: "milli"



Extract the number of days within a given time measure, e.g. number of days in the current (relative to instantiated date) week or month. Each day is returned as an array element, represented by a unix timestamp.

var date = new NiceDate();

date.daysOf("week"); // -> [1425859200000, 1425945600000, ...]
date.daysOf("w");    // -> [1425859200000, 1425945600000, ...]

date.daysOf("month"); // -> [1425164400000, 1425250800000, ...]
date.daysOf("m");     // -> [1425164400000, 1425250800000, ...]

date.daysOf("calendarMonth"); // -> see below
date.daysOf("cm");            // -> see below

While the month measure will collect all days between the first and the last day of the month, calendarMonth will in addition collect days between the month start and the first day of that week, as well as the days between the month end and the last day of that week. Useful when working with e.g. a calendar.

date.daysOf("week").forEach(function(day) {
  console.log(new NiceDate(day).get("weekday"));

Console output:

-> Monday
-> Tuesday
-> Wednesday
-> Thursday
-> Friday
-> Saturday
-> Sunday



Displays the date in one of a number of formats.

var date = new NiceDate("2015-03-12");

// Get unix timestamp
date.get("unix"); // -> 1426118400000
date.get("u");    // -> 1426118400000

// Get day of month
date.get("day"); // -> 12
date.get("d");   // -> 12

// Get week day name
date.get("weekday"); // -> "Thursday"
date.get("wd");      // -> "Thursday"

// Get week day short name
date.get("weekdayShort"); // -> "Thu"
date.get("wds");          // -> "Thu"

// Get week number (of year)
date.get("week"); // -> 11
date.get("w");    // -> 11

// Get month name
date.get("month"); // -> "March"
date.get("m");     // -> "March"

// Get month short name
date.get("monthShort"); // -> "Mar"
date.get("ms");         // -> "Mar"

// Get year
date.get("year"); // -> 2015
date.get("y");    // -> 2015

// Get short year
date.get("yearShort"); // -> 15
date.get("ys");        // -> 15

// Get date (ISO presentation)
date.get("isoDate"); // -> "2015-03-12"
date.get("date");    // -> "2015-03-12"
date.get("isod");    // -> "2015-03-12"

// Get datetime (ISO presentation) (timezone CET in example)
date.get("isoDateTime"); // -> "2015-03-12 01:00"
date.get("datetime");    // -> "2015-03-12 01:00"
date.get("dt");          // -> "2015-03-12 01:00"
date.get("isodt");       // -> "2015-03-12 01:00"

// Get time
date.get("time"); // -> "01:00"
date.get("t");    // -> "01:00"



Displays the time difference between the date and now.

// now: 2015-03-12 10:00
var past = new NiceDate("2015-03-12 09:52"),
    future = new NiceDate("2015-03-12 11:59"),
    waaay = new NiceDate("2018-03-12");

past.diff();   // -> "8m ago"
future.diff(); // -> "in 2h"
waaay.diff();  // -> "in 3y"

// You can also pass a formatting parameter to get a raw value
past.diff("minutes"); // -> 8

// Available formatting options
past.diff("minutes"); // alias: "mi"
past.diff("hours");   // alias: "h"
past.diff("days");    // alias: "d"
past.diff("weeks");   // alias: "w"
past.diff("months");  // alias: "m"
past.diff("years");   // alias: "y"


NiceDate.add(number, format)

Add number amount of format to a date.

var date = new NiceDate("2015-03-12 08:00");

date.add(10, "minutes").get("dt"); // -> "2015-03-12 08:10"
date.add(10, "minute").get("dt");  // -> "2015-03-12 08:10"
date.add(10, "mi").get("dt");      // -> "2015-03-12 08:10"

date.add(1, "days").get("date"); // -> "2015-03-13"
date.add(1, "day").get("date");  // -> "2015-03-13"
date.add(1, "d").get("date");    // -> "2015-03-13"

date.add(1, "weeks").get("date"); // -> "2015-03-19"
date.add(1, "week").get("date");  // -> "2015-03-19"
date.add(1, "w").get("date");     // -> "2015-03-19"

date.add(1, "months").get("date"); // -> "2015-04-12"
date.add(1, "month").get("date");  // -> "2015-04-12"
date.add(1, "m").get("date");      // -> "2015-04-12"

date.add(1, "years").get("date"); // -> "2016-03-12"
date.add(1, "year").get("date");  // -> "2016-03-12"
date.add(1, "y").get("date");     // -> "2016-03-12"


NiceDate.sub(number, format)

Opposite of NiceDate.add.

Default Options

Options determine how date related strings are displayed, below are the default options.


  months: [

  monthsShort: [

  days: [

  daysShort: [

   * Short representations of time measurements.
   * @type {Object}
  indicators: {
    year:         "y",
    month:        "m",
    week:         "w",
    day:          "d",
    hour:         "h",
    minute:       "m",
    second:       "s",
    milliseconds: "ms",
    past:         "ago",
    future:       "in",
    now:          "Just now"



MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)