
PHP package providing easy and fast access to Twitter API V2.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Twitter API V2 for PHP

PHP Badge Twitter Run Tests MIT Licensed last version Downloads

Twitter API V2 is a PHP package which provides an easy and fast access to Twitter REST API for Version 2 endpoints.


First, you need to add the component to your composer.json

composer require noweh/twitter-api-v2-php

Update your packages with composer update or install with composer install.

Github Actions

This repository uses Github Actions for each push/pull request with PHPStan/PHPUnit.

Therefore, for each valid push, a new Tweet is posted from my Twitter test account.

How to use

Active your developer account

Firstly, you need to follow this tutorial.

  • Request of an approved account;
  • Once you have an approved developer account, you will need to create a Project;
  • Enable read/write access for your Twitter app;
  • Generate Consumer Keys and Authentication Tokens;
  • Grab your Keys and Tokens from the twitter developer site.

Prepare settings

Settings are expected as below:

use Noweh\TwitterApi\Client;

$settings = [
    'account_id' => 1234567,
    'consumer_key' => 'CONSUMER_KEY',
    'consumer_secret' => 'CONSUMER_SECRET',
    'bearer_token' => 'BEARER_TOKEN',
    'access_token' => 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
    'access_token_secret' => 'ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET'

$client = new Client($settings);

To fetch a tweet by Id


$result = $client->tweet()->performRequest('GET', array( 'id' => $id));

To search specific tweets


$return = $client->tweetSearch()
    ], \Noweh\TwitterApi\Enum\Operators::or)
    ], \Noweh\TwitterApi\Enum\Operators::and)
    ->addFilterOnLocales(['fr', 'en'])

To find Twitter Users

findByIdOrUsername() expects either an array, or a string.

You can specify the search mode as a second parameter:

->findByIdOrUsername('twitterdev', \Noweh\TwitterApi\Enum\Modes::username) //OR \Noweh\TwitterApi\Enum\Modes::id

To find all replies from a Tweet


To find Recent Mentioning for a User


$return = $client->timeline()->findRecentMentioningForUserId('1538300985570885636')->performRequest();

To Post a new Tweet


$return = $client->tweet()->performRequest('POST', ['text' => 'This is a test....']);

To Retweet


$return = $client->retweet()->performRequest('POST', ['tweet_id' => $tweet->id]);


Fork/download the code and run

composer install

copy test/config/.env.example to test/config/.env and add your credentials for testing.

To run tests


To run code analyzer

./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse .