
A showcase website for our class, modeled after http://wdi3.github.io/.

Primary LanguageRuby

This is a student showcase. We want to do something very similar to this one - http://wdi3.github.io/


Git Workflow

Please contribute. If you want to be added as a collaborator, please ask (john@johnrandall.com). We are using the git-flow process. (see http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/) Please conform:

  • Make feature branches that begin with your initials, ie: JR_newfeaturename.

  • Add basic tests before merging into develop.

  • Pull from develop, resolve merge conflicts, and re-test before attempting to integrate your feature.

  • Do not merge into master. The primary collaborators will merge after a code review.


All data is in the seed file.

If you want to be listed on the site but not otherwise contribute, then fork this project, add a student model and project models to the seed file, and submit a pull request.