
How run Node?

Ubuntu 18.04 / Debian 9

Update sistem and install node

sudo apt-update
sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates

1.1. First remove any previously installed version of the daemon to prevent any errors when upgrading to the latest version.

sudo apt-get remove -y mina-testnet-postake-medium-curves
echo "deb [trusted=yes] http://packages.o1test.net release main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mina.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y curl unzip mina-testnet-postake-medium-curves=0.2.6-5c08d6d --allow-downgrades
  • check version coda with commandcoda version
  • return Commit [DIRTY]5c08d6d51111d31269e77f3c62a544b3262ee4c8 on branch HEAD

Setup Keypair

1.2. - For Testworld, we are sending out pre-generated keypairs to every participant. Once you receive the link to claim your keypair, download it onto your computer.

mkdir ~/keys
wget -O ~/keys/new-keys.zip <keypair-download-url>

1.3 - Unzip recieved keys

apt install unzip
cd keys
unzip new-keys.zip

Example return

Archive: new-keys.zip
  inflating: extra_fish_account_9999
 extracting: extra_fish_account_9999.pub

1.4. - Rename them for our convenience:

mv extra_fish_account_9999 my-wallet
mv extra_fish_account_9999.pub my-wallet.pub

exit from directories cd or cd .

1.5. - Set access rights for our keys:

echo 'export KEYPATH=$HOME/keys/mina-wallet' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export MINA_PUBLIC_KEY=$(cat $HOME/keys/mina-wallet.pub)' >> $HOME/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Peer list

2.1. Download the list of peers

wget -O ~/peers.txt https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MinaProtocol/coda-automation/bug-bounty-net/terraform/testnets/testworld/peers.txt

2.2. TODO: add script for update peers

Start up a node

3.0 if you run node in Hetzner need this additional commands

sudo apt install ufw
ufw allow 22
ufw allow 80
ufw allow 443
ufw enable

3.1. - Run Daemon

CODA_PRIVKEY_PASS="password from email" coda daemon -peer-list-file ~/peers.txt -block-producer-key ~/keys/my-wallet -generate-genesis-proof true -file-log-level Info -super-catchup

Existing coda daemon process with Ctrl-C 3.2. - Create ~/.mina-env

touch ~/.mina-env

Open this file

nano ~/.mina-env

Copy this and paste

CODA_PRIVKEY_PASS="password from email"
EXTRA_FLAGS=" -file-log-level Debug -super-catchup"

exit from file and save


3.3 Run the following commands to start up a Mina node instance and connect to the live network:

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user start mina
systemctl --user enable mina
sudo loginctl enable-linger

Mina process running in the background and auto-restarting. Command for working with mina

systemctl --user status mina  # check status mina
systemctl --user stop mina  # stop and restarting mina
systemctl --user restart mina  # restart mina

Checking connectivity

coda client status

See Logs

journalctl --user -u mina -n 1000 -f
journalctl --user -u mina -n 1000 -f | grep "Info" | grep "Snark Worker" # check snark worker work

Manage Account

4.1 Import account

coda accounts import -privkey-path ~/keys/my-wallet

4.2. Unlock account

coda accounts unlock -public-key $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY

Paste code from email and create new pass 4.3. Show balance

coda accounts list

4.3 First transaction

After the node has received the Synced status, you can try to send your first transaction

coda client send-payment \
  -amount 0.5 \
  -receiver B62qndJi5mnRoBZ8SAYDM1oR2SgAk5WpZC8hGpJUZ4e64kDHGbFMeLJ \
  -fee 0.1 \
  -sender $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY