
Studying notes from Oct 6th, 2021
Under the category of two players game: A good strategy includes the aspect below:

  1. Safe strategy over risky&highly rewarded strategy From the perspective of the result, the safe straetgy wins in the long run, when you have no choice what to do, just choose the safest strategy among all the safe strategies, such as placing the highest weight box in the center of the board from the game3, no tipping problem
  2. Building the strategy based on reality. When the search size is too large, you can 1. restrict the search depth(saying 6 depths on the search tree) 2.restrict the search numbers (saying, 20 choices to search each time) When the search size gets manageble, when the brute force search is feasible, go for it.

In the vehicle routing problem, the simulated anealing search method has a better performance than ant strategy. The ant strategy has a better performance than pure greedy. https://www.cnblogs.com/heaad/archive/2010/12/20/1911614.html

Books: Statistical Diseases by Kaufman

HPS package is at: https://pypi.org/project/hps-nyu/