
An android library to display a progressbar that goes around an image.

Primary LanguageJava


square image

First things first

You can find my blog post about the newest version here : [signer.pro - android-square-progressbar v. 1.4.0] (http://www.signer.pro/android-square-progressbar-v-1-4-0/)

The example application is available at the play store:

Get it on Google Play

General idea

Sometimes you don't have enough space in your layout to display a wide progressbar. So this library gives you a complete new possibility to display a progress. You can simply show a progressbar around an image. An this progressbar can be configured in a lot of different ways, like color, outline, display of the percentage and so on.


Here are some examples on how these progressbars could look like:

three examples

There are some further examples availible here (with code) : Examples

How to use it? / How to install? / How to contribute?

Check the wiki for more information about how to use, how to install or how to contribute.


A big thank you to @elodieferrais who made it possible that this library is accessible for gradle builds. See her fork for more information. Also check out her repository about useful dependancies.