Null Reference Exception when enabling Fast Renderers
jemunk opened this issue · 4 comments
jemunk commented
Is soon as I enable Fast Renderers in XF, I get a Null Reference Exception.
If I remove the XamEffects attributes of this image element, my application continues just fine:
<Image Source="add_btn"
xe:TouchEffect.Color="{StaticResource PrimaryBrandColor}"
xe:Commands.Tap="{Binding AddNoteCommand}" />
mrxten commented
You got exception in iOS or Android? Or at both?
mrxten commented
Ah, its only for android. Ok I will check.
mrxten commented
Also, I think you now can try just wrap Image in ContentView and add effect to wrapper.
Its not good way, but for now its may be will work.
jemunk commented
Thanks! That fixed the issue for now.
Thank for a great piece of software! It is very liberating to just add tab events with graphical response to every component.