- 0
Application crashes on Startup. Only clue is XamEffects using ProgressBar
#53 opened by TomasMalcanek - 7
TouchEffect and scrolling (Android)
#52 opened by AlleSchonWeg - 6
Xamarin 4.3 bug crash
#43 opened by scriptBoris - 5
[Feature] UWP simple support
#33 opened by roubachof - 3
Xamarin Forms 4.2
#39 opened by mrdnote - 1
- 5
- 0
- 4
Touch effect does not show
#44 opened by DamienDoumer - 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
- 1
TouchEffect triggers during scroll gesture
#41 opened by rbev - 5
Question: button inside layout with effect
#36 opened by bodeg - 1
Binding Color not working
#38 opened by jemunk - 3
WPF Support
#37 opened by dhpanteon - 1
- 1
LongPress Timer
#34 opened by NRayan - 1
- 1
Hide ripple effect in iOS.
#31 opened by techiesalman - 9
XamEffects not work with AiForms.Layout
#30 opened by scriptBoris - 4
How to add TouchEffects in C#
#14 opened by Uaecrom - 5
Null reference
#29 opened by songurov - 1
System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
#28 opened by songurov - 2
- 1
UWP Support
#1 opened by jurabek - 1
Package issue
#27 opened by nakulashok - 10
First Touch doesn't work
#21 opened by mak100un - 11
Effect Not Working(Only Works On Double Tap)
#15 opened by clifzero - 2
Bind Commands.Tap from inside bound list in xaml
#26 opened by mrdnote - 4
ListView Item
#25 opened by brunohenriquy - 4
- 2
Command and CanExecute not working on Label
#22 opened by highrobot - 2
PressedCommand doesn´t work
#16 opened by joaobose - 12
LongTap command not wokring on Grid
#20 opened by ivansp - 2
- 2
Check if container is null in IsDisposed
#13 opened by Stensan - 18
Not working on .net standard 2.0
#11 opened by krunalc - 6
- 3
- 3
Android Button effect does not work
#9 opened by Goncharuk-Nikita - 2
Exception when start application
#8 opened by Goncharuk-Nikita - 1
1.3.3 init?
#6 opened by bentmar - 2
Android init
#5 opened by fsantanac - 9
- 1