- zlib ver1.2.11: https://zlib.net/
- libping ver1.6.37: http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html
Unzip these files in directory "build". The directory structure is here.
build # root for bulding
├─ lpng1637 # libpng
└─ zlib-1.2.11 # zlib
Edit "zlib.props"
Open file "build\lpng1637\projects\vstudio\zlib.props"Change line #34
Create zconf.h
Duplicate the file "build\zlib-1.2.11\zconf.h.included" and rename to "zconf.h" -
Open Solution file
The solution file of Visual Studio is here "build\lpng1637\projects\vstudio\vstudio.sln"
Some warning daialogs may be shown. Then click OK button on all daialogs.
It includes 7 projects as following.- List item
- libpng
- pnglibconf
- pngstest
- pngtest
- pngunknown
- pngvalid
- zlib
Edit Property Pages
Open Property Page of "zlib" project. Edit as below.- Editting with "All Configurations".
Configuration Properties
→Treat Warnings As Errors
Change "$(TreatWarningAsError)" to "No (/W-)" - Editting each configration.
Configuration Properties
→Preprocessor Definitions
Remove "Z_SOLO;"
- Editting with "All Configurations".
SetSolution Configrations
→Release Library
→Buld Solution
Completed! 😄